[印刷和记录媒介复制业,专用设备制造业] [2023-09-20]
智能家用投影仪的消费市场已经初具规模,2018年2022年销售额的年复合增长率为 23.3%,消费市场呈现迅速上升态势。随着行业内企业的增多,中高端智能投影仪的亮度、分辨率、技术方案的差异化程度缩小,行业准入门槛开始降低。因此,中国智能 家用投影仪市场规模的增速将会放缓,2022至2027年销售额的年复合增长率预计为 14.1%。未来中国智能家用投影仪的增长点在于超高清产品的推广、更先进的软件算法、产品在租房群体中的普及等。
[印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2023-08-27]
我国碳市场不断完善,CCER审批有望年内重启。CCER是指对我国境内可再生能源、林业碳汇、甲烷利用等项目的温室气体减排效果进行量化 核证,并在国家温室气体自愿减排交易注册登记系统中登记的温室气体减排量。控排企业碳排放量如果超出了国家给的碳配额,既可以在全国碳 市场直接购买其他企业的排放配额,也可以选择在CCER市场上购买自愿减排量用于抵消自己的碳排放量,随即形成了碳交易。2017年起CCER 项目申报运行暂停,至今尚未恢复。2023年7月7日,生态环境部联合市场监管总局对2012年6月13日发布的《温室气体自愿减排交易管理暂行 办法》进行了修订,编制形成《温室气体自愿减排交易管理办法(试行)》,并面向全社会公开征求意见。
[印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2023-08-13]
Material Type: Other gravure printing inks Industry: Printing ink manufacturing The Material described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the Material from other similar Material. The Material descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each Material is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for Material are listed below
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2023-08-12]
Material Type: Other nonimpact/digital inks Industry: Printing ink manufacturing The Material described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the Material from other similar Material. The Material descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each Material is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for Material are listed below
[纺织业,印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2023-07-30]
Material Type: Textile printing inks Industry: Printing ink manufacturing The Material described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the Material from other similar Material. The Material descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each Material is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for Material are listed below
[化学原料和化学制品制造业,印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2023-07-30]
Material Type: Sheet-fed packaging inks Industry: Printing ink manufacturing The Material described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the Material from other similar Material. The Material descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each Material is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for Material are listed below
[化学原料和化学制品制造业,印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2023-07-30]
Material Type: Sheet-fed packaging inks Industry: Printing ink manufacturing The Material described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the Material from other similar Material. The Material descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each Material is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for Material are listed below
[化学原料和化学制品制造业,印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2023-07-30]
Material Type: Screen printing inks Industry: Printing ink manufacturing The Material described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the Material from other similar Material. The Material descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each Material is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for Material are listed below
[印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2023-05-29]
Printing inks consist of pigments of different colors mixed with oil or varnish Unlike paints, a thin layer of printing inks, with thickness varying between 2 30 μm is applied on the surface Presently, manufacturers are working on developing printing inks that can last long, be printed on different surfaces, and can offer high performance a glossy finish
[印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2023-05-02]
出版公司业绩稳健、估值偏低,尤其是地方国有出版公司。地方国有出版公司(多主营业务为教辅教材和一般图书)虽增速平淡但由于需求较为刚性、经营较为稳定,且账面现金充足、分红比例高,但PE-TTM 多在10x-18x 之间,主营大众出版、或线下书店的公司则经营受疫情冲击较大。国有出版企业近年来多家公司换届,公司高管多由各地政府领导调任,且相对年富力强,有助于优化管理体制、提升经营效率。出版企业拥有成体系、高质量的文字类内容资产,尤其是专业科技学术资料、中国古籍、文学经济、生活百科等。