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  • 4851.基于模型的故障检测识别中的偏置式执行器传感器故障可识别性

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-12-21]

    This paper explores a class of multiple-model-based fault detection and identification (FDI) methods for bias-type faults in actuators and sensors. These methods employ banks of Kalman-Bucy filters to detect the faults, determine the fault pattern, and estimate the fault values, wherein each Kalman-Bucy filter is tuned to a different failure pattern. Necessary and sufficient conditions are presented for identifiability of actuator faults, sensor faults, and simultaneous actuator and sensor faults. It is shown that FDI of simultaneous actuator and sensor faults is not possible using these methods when all sensors have biases.
  • 4852.美国航空航天局格伦研究中心的传感器和电子项目简介

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2013-12-21]

    Aerospace applications require a range of sensing technologies. There is a range of sensor and sensor system technologies being developed using microfabrication and micromachining technology to form smart sensor systems and intelligent microsystems. Drive system intelligence to the local (sensor) level -- distributed smart sensor systems. Sensor and sensor system development examples: (1) Thin-film physical sensors (2) High temperature electronics and wireless (3) lick and stick; technology. NASA GRC is a world leader in aerospace sensor technology with a broad range of development and application experience. Core microsystems technology applicable to a range of application environments.
  • 4853.TEMTADS辅助传感器系统的手持线索UXO辨别EMI传感器(ESTCPmr-200807)和UXO检测和识别的便携式电磁阵列(ESTCPmr-200909)的成本和性能报告

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-12-21]

    Man-portable (MP) and Hand-held (HH) adjuncts of the NRL TEMTADS 5 5 array were constructed and the UXO classification performance of each characterized. Both systems are based on the transient electromagnetic induction (TEM) sensor technology that was developed for the NRL TEMTADS 5 5 array. Both systems are designed to be deployable in increasingly inaccessible areas where vehicle-towed sensor arrays cannot be used. Demonstration results for the MP system indicated that the performance of the system was not comparable to that of the full TEMTADS 5 5 array. A modified version of the EMI sensors in the MP system was designed and built, replacing the single, vertical- axes receiver loops of the original coils with three-axis receiver cubes. The HH sensor was designed for use in extremely limiting terrain and for integration with unique positioning technologies. The demonstration results for the HH sensor indicated that the performance of the system was comparable to that of the full TEMTADS 5 5 array.
  • 4854.CPU缓存对字节寻址的非易失性存储器编程的启示

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-21]

    Byte-addressable non-volatile memory may usher in a new era of computing where in-memory data structures are persistent and can be reused directly across machine restarts. In this context, we study the implications of different CPU caching modes and show how they affect both programmability and performance of a program.
  • 4855.纳米催化剂和生物质能的生物质能合成气发展

    [电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2013-12-21]

    The results of this report show that the NS approach for a FTS catalyst support shows promise for generating fuels from syngas. Future work will focus on optimizing Co/Sio2-NS catalyst for improved conversion efficiencies.
    关键词:生物质能;生物燃料;气化生物质燃料;催化;扫描电子显微镜/能谱仪(SEM / EDS);透射电子显微镜(TEM);X射线衍射(XRD)
  • 4856.自治铵荧光传感器的研制(AAFS)及其对现场应用视图

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-12-21]

    Our goal is to develop a portable autonomous ammonium sensor. Such a sensor could be deployed for periods of up to a month aboard ships, moorings or drifting buoys or used as a component in lowered or towed oceanographic instrument packages for vertical profiling. Our technical objective is to develop a robust, relatively simple, inexpensive, low power and compact instrument with a detection limit in the nM range and a sampling frequency of at least 6 samples per hour. Robustness, simplicity, low construction cost, lower power and small size are the practical desiderata for commercial application. Commercialization and the lowered instrument costs that will result are essential to permit wider application throughout the oceanographic community.
  • 4857.乳腺癌干细胞的敏感性,TRA-8抗DR5单克隆抗体

    [医药制造业] [2013-12-21]

    Basal-like breast cancers (BLBCs) generally become resistant to cytotoxic agents and resistance has been attributed to the presence of tumor initiating cancer stem cells (CSCs). Furthermore, LRP6/Wnt appears to play a crucial role in BLBC and CSC progression, and may represent an excellent therapeutic target. We have previously described that TRA-8, a monoclonal antibody specific to death receptor 5, kills both the CSCs and non-CSC population of BLBCs. This study examined two questions: whether niclosamide (an FDA approved antihelminthic, that inhibits Wnt/ -catenin signaling) is cytotoxic to BLBCs and its CSC population; and whether niclosamide in combination with TRA-8 produces synergistic cytotoxicity. We characterized non- adherent tumorsphere enriched (NATE) cells as a CSC enriched population from BLBC cell lines. Both Adherent and NATE cells from 2LMP, SUM159, HCC1187, HCC1143 cell lines and patient pleural effusion samples showed that niclosamide inhibited Wnt/ -catenin pathway activation, down regulated LRP6, and decreased downstream - catenin signaling. The combination of TRA-8 and niclosamide showed additive to synergistic cytotoxicity and further reduced Wnt/ -catenin activity. In vivo studies also showed that intraperitoneal administration of niclosamide in combination with TRA-8 suppressed growth of established 2LMP orthotopic tumor xenografts. Treatment with niclosamide in combination with TRA- 8 may be an effective therapy against BLBC.
  • 4858.迁移到SoftLayer:从SCE手动迁移Linux实例到SoftLayer

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-21]

    Learn how to migrate a Linux? instance from IBM? SmartCloud? Enterprise to IBM SoftLayer.
  • 4859.基于热通量传感器测量的先进斯特灵转换器的性能

    [电气机械和器材制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-12-21]

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company (LMSSC) have been developing the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) for use as a power system
    for space science missions. This generator would use two high-efficiency Advanced Stirling Convertors (ASCs), developed by Sunpower, Inc., and NASA Glenn Research Center. The ASCs convert thermal energy from a radioisotope heat source into electricity. As part of ground testing of these ASCs, different operating conditions are used to simulate expected mission conditions. These conditions require achieving a particular operating frequency, hot-end and cold-end temperatures, and specified electrical power output for a given heat input. It is difficult to measure heat input to Stirling convertors due to the complex geometries of the hot components, temperature limits of sensor materials, and invasive integration of sensors. A thin-film heat flux sensor was used to directly measure heat input to an ASC. The effort succeeded in designing and fabricating unique sensors, which were integrated into a Stirling convertor ground test and exposed to test temperatures exceeding 700 °C in air for 10,000 hr. Sensor measurements were used to calculate thermal efficiency for ASC–E (Engineering Unit) #1 and #4. The post-disassembly condition of the sensors is also discussed.
  • 4860.可使用的集中式太阳能和太阳能光伏发电项目:技术和市场概述

    [电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2013-12-21]

    Over the last several years, solar energy technologies have been, or are in the process of being, deployed at unprecedented levels. A critical recent development, resulting from the massive scale of projects in progress or recently completed, is having the power sold directly to electric utilities. Such 'utility-scale' systems offer the opportunity to deploy solar technologies far faster than the traditional 'behind-the-meter' projects designed to offset retail load. Moreover, these systems have employed significant economies of scale during construction and operation, attracting financial capital, which in turn can reduce the delivered cost of power. This report is a summary of the current U.S. utility-scale solar state-of-the-market and development pipeline. Utility-scale solar energy systems are generally categorized as one of two basic designs: concentrating solar power (CSP) and photovoltaic (PV). CSP systems can be further delineated into four commercially available technologies: parabolic trough, central receiver (CR), parabolic dish, and linear Fresnel reflector. CSP systems can also be categorized as hybrid, which combine a solar-based system (generally parabolic trough, CR, or linear Fresnel) and a fossil fuel energy system to produce electric power or steam.
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