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  • 1761.中国第三方电子商务服务市场报告(2014-2018年)

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,批发和零售业,] [2014-09-12]

    This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the Third-party e-Commerce Services market in China for the period 2014-2018. To calculate the market size, the report considers revenue generated from outsourced e-commerce services to third-party service providers. The outsourced e-commerce services included in the report are digital marketing, fulfilment, finance and payment, software and IT systems, and customer services.
  • 1762.2009-2013年太阳能源原动机市场评估及2018年综合预测报告

    [电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,电气机械和器材制造业,] [2014-09-12]

    美国在太阳能方面的开发应用是很早的,在太阳能研究领域作出了卓越贡献。早在1958年美国就发明了安装有贝尔太阳能电池的太阳能半导体收音机。上世纪80 年代,吉米·卡特总统就把太阳能装入白宫。当时在太阳能应用方面的研究经费很充足。但到了罗纳德·里根总统任职期间,随着白宫的太阳能板被撤了下来,这方面经费被大大削减,并在此后再没恢复到原来的水平。但即便如此,经过这么多年的发展,太阳能的运用在美国有很不错的发展,并初具规模。相比美国,德国太阳能行业的发展不是最早的,技术可能不是最先进的,却是当今全世界太阳能发展最快最好的国家之一。在德国,高速公路上,你能看到一种世界上少有的奇观,在高速公路旁边朝南的坡堤上,那是太阳能板构成的太阳能长城,为慕尼黑等大城市电网供电。此外还有成千上万片的太阳能板安装在居民房屋顶上,能生产出数百万瓦的电。
  • 1763.全球绿色包装市场报告(2014-2018年)

    [其他制造业,] [2014-09-12]

    Green packaging is a type of packaging that is produced from sustainable, renewable, and recyclable raw materials.
  • 1764.2013-2017年中国家用换气机行业市场专题研究报告提交稿

    [电气机械和器材制造业,] [2014-09-12]

    2013 年面对复杂多变的国际形势和国内经济运行环境,我国实施了积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,国民经济运行总体良好:虽然经济增速有所放缓,但仍保持相对稳健的步伐;工业生产平稳增长;居民消费持续增长;投资增速虽回归常态,但依然保持较快增长;外贸仍保持增长,但增速放缓;货币信贷运行回归常态;城镇新增就业稳步增长。
  • 1765.2009-2013年变压器、整流器和电感器市场评估及2018年综合预测报告

    [电气机械和器材制造业,] [2014-09-12]

    根据预测,新兴国家电站扩容,经济增长以及用电需求等多个因素将推动全球电力变压器市场,从2013 年的103 亿美元(约合人民币623 亿元)将增至2020 年的197 亿美元(约合人民币1191 亿元),年复合增长率达到9.6%.中国、印度以及中东电力需求的增长,成为全球电力变压器市场增长预期的主要增长动力。在2013-2020 年期间,全球用电量预计从20,248 太瓦时增至25,415太瓦时。
  • 1766.亚太地区地理信息系统市场报告(2014-2018年)

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,] [2014-09-12]

    A GIS is a system or a set of tools used to interpret business and geospatial data. It integrates hardware, software, data, and services for processing business and geographically referenced data. This system digitizes the received geospatial data and processes them to provide the desired output. Sectors such as National Government, Transportation, Natural Resources, Military/Law Enforcement, Utilities, Communication and Telecom, and State Government are the major end-users of GIS. GISs are used for various purposes such as disaster management, finding location details, viewing digital maps, marketing, and designing, among others.
  • 1767.印度厨房模块化市场报告(2014-2018年)

    [家具制造业,] [2014-09-12]

    A modular kitchen is a kitchen with a range of fixtures and cabinets put together in a planned manner that facilitate the effective usage of the spaces in a kitchen. A modular kitchen normally constitutes wooden cabinets, countertops, internal accessories such as built-in covered baskets household and kitchen appliances such as a washbasin, dishwasher, chimney, cooking range/stove, and microwave oven. It is designed to suit a customer's preference, allowing them to choose from a variety of options, features, colors, and patterns as per the space available.
  • 1768.全球商用车辆远程信息处理市场报告(2014-2018年)

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,汽车制造业,] [2014-09-12]

    Telematics is a term used to describe the wireless connectivity between motor vehicles and the infrastructure where the receiving equipment is installed. Telematics is an integrated technology wherein telecommunication and IT are combined to provide a single solution.
  • 1769.2013-2015年中国导航仪(车载GPS、PND)市场分析及前景预测报告

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,] [2014-09-12]

    我国现在拥有世界上最大潜力的卫星导航应用市场。经过十多年的发展,我国的卫星导航用户设备市场化的条件日趋成熟,批量化用户群体正在逐步形成,已进入应用行业高速发展的时期。预计2015 年产值将超过2250 亿元,成为国民经济重要增长点。
  • 1770.全球汽车共用市场报告(2014-2018年)

    [汽车制造业,] [2014-09-12]

    Carsharing is a membership-based, self-service system that contains a network of stations and vehicles, which is an alternative to traditional car ownership for individuals and companies.
    关键词:汽车共用;网络会员制;自助服务系统; 车辆
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