[化学原料和化学制品制造业,汽车制造业,] [2016-11-22]
Automotive coatings are products that enhance the exterior appearance and durability of a vehicle by protecting it from harsh external factors such as UV radiation, heat and cold, and grit from the road. Automotive adhesives and sealants are bonding agents with similar chemical constitutions and different functionalities. Adhesives are primarily used to provide structural stability to objects by binding two surfaces, whereas sealants are used to enable airtight or watertight closure of the space between two surfaces by adding a protective coating between them. These products find applications in automotive units, exterior and interior of automobiles, and in under-the-hood areas.
[计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,电气机械和器材制造业,] [2016-11-22]
3D printing is a technique in which a scanned or digitally designed object is formed into a three-dimensional solid using an additive process. In this process, metal is applied in successive layers with less wastage. 3D printing products can be built from materials in which plastic and metals are the most commonly used materials.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,] [2016-11-22]
Data center colocation is a facility for renting computing servers and storage to other organizations. It provides options such as power, bandwidth, and physical security to servers and storage. Colocation is useful for customers across industry verticals. It helps reduce spending on IT infrastructure and improve security and ownership control of the data.
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,卫生和社会工作,] [2016-10-30]
我国作为拥有 13.7 亿人口、从中等收入迈向高收入的大国,健康服务行业极具发展前景。保守估计,至 2020 年,我国健康服务行业的市场规模将达到 8万亿元以上。蓬勃发展的健康服务行业将成为我国国民经济的新增长点。
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,电气机械和器材制造业,] [2016-10-30]
随着我国农网改造、特高压、超高压直流输电等工程的建设,带动了输配电设备行业的快速发展,虽说未来几年电网投资规模难以恢复到较快增长的水平,但依旧存在输配电设备进一步转型升级的需求。 2016 年全球经济回暖,输配电设备行业需求有所好转。受投资增量需求与节能替代需求的双重推动,以及下游行业需求的回升,预计到 2016 年,输配电行业市场规模增速回落,但扔保持 10%以上的增速,输配电行业市场规模将达到 2.41 万亿元。 预计到 2021年,中国输配电设备行业市场规模将突破 4.16 万亿元。
[农副食品加工业,食品制造业,] [2016-10-30]
2015 年,我国全部工业增加值 228974 亿元,比上年增长 5.9%。规模以上工业增加值增长 6.1%。全年规模以上工业中,农副食品加工业增加值比上年增长 5.5%,纺织业增长 7.0%。 2015 年 12 月,规模以上工业增加值比上年同期增长 5.9%,而食品制造业增长值比上年同期增长 8.5%,食品行业主要经济指标在全部工业中的比重均有所提高。食品工业在全国工业经济中的支柱作用愈加明显。
[石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业,] [2016-10-07]
斯伦贝谢是一家全球化的技术服务公司,总部设在纽约,并在巴黎和海牙成立准总部机构。公司员工超过 80000 人,在全球 80 多个国家有经营活动。它源自 1927 年创立的勘测公司,经过 75 年发展和扩张,先后收购了 20 多家公司或其它公司的业务,形成了能为客户提供实时的油气田综合服务和解决方案的综合服务公司,并将其信息技术和网络解决方案拓展到油气行业以外的其它领域。主要业务领域包括两大方面,一是传统业务——斯伦贝谢油田服务;二是信息技术——WesternGeco。
[教育,] [2016-09-03]
[计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,] [2016-08-26]
A PC peripheral is a device that is connected externally to a PC to enhance its capabilities. Keyboards, mouse devices, printers, scanners, and routers are referred to as PC peripherals. The global keyboard market is experiencing a shift in the revenue contribution from developed markets to developing markets. Although the developed markets held the majority of the market share in 2015, the market share contribution from developing countries will overtake their market share in the future. The global keyboard market will see a significant growth and will grow at a CAGR of 4.77% during the forecast period. In terms of geography, the Americas dominated the market in 2015, followed by EMEA and APAC.
[金融业,] [2016-08-21]