[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2023-06-01]
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,汽车制造业] [2023-06-01]
This data equals output data for the following ISIC Rev. 4 code: 1200 Manufacture of Tobacco Products This class includes: Manufacture of tobacco products and products of tobacco substitutes: cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff Manufacture of "homogenized" or "reconstituted" tobacco Stemming and redrying of tobacco
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2023-06-01]
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2023-05-30]
Renewable power accounts for 30% of the capacity mix and 20% of power generation in the Philippines. Hydropower is the largest RE source in terms of capacity with 3.75 GW as of 2022, followed by geothermal and solar with 1.9 GW and 1.3 GW, respectively. The country has installed just 443 MW of wind capacity but has almost 47 GW of wind projects in the pipeline. The Philippines is the third in the world in terms of geothermal installed capacity, according to IRENA. It is also third and fourth in ASEAN in terms of wind and solar capacity, respectively. One of the major contributors to the growth of renewable energy in the Philippines has been the Renewable Energy Act of 2008, which provides a legal framework for the development and promotion of renewable energy in the country. The Philippines National Renewable Energy Programme (NREP) 2020-2040 aspires to achieve a 50% RE share by 2040.
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2023-05-30]
Renewable energy sector in India is among the fastest growing in the world due to the excellent wind and solar resources and supportive government policy. India ranked as the fourth largest renewable energy (RE) market in the world by installed capacity in 2021, according to data provided by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). RE accounted for almost 41% of the total installed power capacity in 2022 and in the same year solar became the largest RE source with almost 63 GW of cumulative capacity (38% share in the RE mix). Recent update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) proposes about 50% cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources by 2030. In terms of electricity generation, renewable energy contributed to 21% of the country’s total in 2022.
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2023-05-30]
Renewable energy is a critical component of China’s ongoing efforts to address its growing energy needs and environmental challenges. The country is the largest market for renewable energy investment globally, with an estimated USD 266bn spent on clean energy in 2021 alone. China is the leader in terms of hydro, solar and wind deployment and is the largest manufacturer of RE components. Chinese companies supply the domestic and global markets with high-quality wind turbines and solar modules at competitive prices. Cumulatively, China has installed more than 1.0 TW of clean power capacity by end-2021, equivalent to 43% of the country’s power capacity mix. The electricity in the grid that comes from renewable sources amounted to almost 28% of the total. RE adoption will continue in the coming years as China targets to double its solar and wind capacity to 1.2 TW by 2030.
[科学研究和技术服务业,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,专用设备制造业] [2023-05-29]
[化学原料和化学制品制造业,石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,采矿业] [2023-05-29]
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2023-05-27]
2022 年底云南电力结构中,全省发电装机11144.6 万千瓦,其中水电装机 容量8061.59 万千瓦,占比72.3%。在南网体系中,云南省内已建成“十条 直流、两条交流”共12 回大通道,形成了云电送粤、云电送桂、云电送琼、 云贵互济的送电格局,外送通道能力达到4220 万千瓦。2022 年云南“西电 东送”电量完成1436.48 亿千瓦时,占到云南电网发电量的38%。在云南外 送电量中,送往广东的电量为1221.20 亿千瓦时,占比高达85%。
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2023-05-26]