[交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2016-03-26]
伴随着行业政策壁垒的逐渐放开,中国快递行业经历了国有企业为主、国有企业与民营企业并存、加入 WTO 后快递产业对外开放、网购需求促使行业高速增长的几个时期。
[交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2016-03-25]
在跨境电商消费产业链中,不同于普通的电商消费, 由于通关环节的存在和固有流通渠道难以打破,综合物流服务商的议价能力相对更强。 我们预计, 如果假设物流环节成本占比为 25%,那么 2015 年跨境 B2C 物流的市场规模已经超过千亿级别,达到 1196 亿,而且未来 2 年将保持 35%以上年复合增速。
[批发和零售业,住宿和餐饮业,租赁和商务服务业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2016-03-22]
摘要:随着世界旅游业进入一个高增长时期,中国旅游产业的发展也进入了一个快速增长时期。我国旅游资源十分丰富,是世界旅游资源大国之一。进入21 世纪以后,我国旅游业得到了长足的发展,旅游业总收入从 2008 年的 1.16万亿元增长到 2014 年的 3.25 万亿元,旅游总人数从 2008 年的 17.12 亿人次增长到 2014 年的 36 亿人次,年复合增长率分别达到 13.74%和 9.74%。以迪斯尼为代表的主题公园行业作为旅游业的细分行业,以其丰富的创造力和新型商业模式取得了高速的发展,成为旅游业中独具特色的一面旗帜。
[交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2016-03-22]
——2016 年国企改革时间表和路线图更加清晰,可实施性更强,国企作为供给侧结构改革重要的运行主体,改革步伐有望超预期。作为降成本、补短板,推进供给侧结构性改革的重点任务,物流行业将着力推动创新发展,整合资源的物流模式具有巨大的成长空间。
[铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2016-03-21]
An energy management system (EMS) consists of hardware, software, and services that provide energy information to users such as infrastructure managers, financial managers, facility managers, and power utilities. It is also a systematic process, which is used for continual improvement of energy performance. Consumers spend an enormous amount of their budgets on energy. This cost can be reduced with the use of improved energy management solutions. Thus, to improve managing and tracking of energy data, EMS is used.
[交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2016-03-21]
Refrigerated transportation is used to supply customers with safe and high-quality perishable goods. These perishable goods can be perishable food products, pharmaceuticals, or others like flowers and chemical products. This type of transportation is carried out via roadways, seaways, and airways. Transportation by airways is used mainly by the pharmaceutical industry.
[交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2016-03-21]
Express delivery is the accelerated delivery of items that are non-palletized and weigh less than 110 pounds, such as parcels, documents, and letters, to different typ customers, such as business customers, retail customers, and government agencies. Express deliveries are usually made within two or three days, depending on customer requirements. These services are offered by CEP (courier express parcel) vendors that provide various value-added services to customers to further enhance the delivery process, such as online tracking of parcels and couriers. The primary business of the express industry is to provide value-added, door-to-door transport and next-day or time-definite shipments.
[交通运输、仓储和邮政业,印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2016-03-21]
The printing market has a wide range of applications in the packaging industry, including segments like food and beverage, personal care, healthcare, and others. The food and beverage segment held the majority of the global printing market for packaging in 2015. However, the healthcare segment will experience major growth in the coming years. The increase in demand for innovative packaging has driven the growth of the printing market. The packaging industry has undergone a significant transformation over the past decade, with increasing importance of labeling and printing text on the packaging both in terms of promotional aspects and regulatory aspects. This increased importance has boosted the demand of the printing market. The demand for digital printing has increased due to its high-quality printing. Flexography printing will also grow due to the demand for convenient and flexible packaging.
[交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2016-03-20]
快递行业将进入稳健发展期,初步测算,未来 5 年,行业复合增速在 23%。内部驱动因素:快递产业未来继续放量,人工成本高企,智能装备技术日趋成熟,接近转型爆发点;外部驱动因素:宏观政策指引, 电商、消费者需求提升。行业转型一触即发。受益于快递行业的存量转型升级和增量稳健发展的相关产业规模至少万亿级别。
[交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2016-03-20]
对于近期市场热炒的周期见底,我们持较为谨慎的观点。经过大幅下跌后,大宗商品本身有反弹需求,利好干散货运输。但考虑到宏观经济并未企稳, 下游需求不足, 直接表现为 2 月信贷大幅低于预期,反弹或难言反转。我们继续推荐攻守兼备的机场板块,博取相对收益; 主题方面静待“两会” 后国企改革落地。