[教育,其他制造业,文化、体育和娱乐业,金融业,公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2021-07-07]
[其他制造业] [2021-07-01]
寡头格局初现端倪,龙头将进一步享受行业增长红利。产品集成化、高端化趋势不减,头部企业产能稳步扩充。高投入抢占市场份额,强化多元渠道布局。集成灶兼具建材与家电属性,渠道 布局上呈现多元化的趋势。整体来看,我们认为集成灶产品力突出,由于吸烟率高、节约空间 等优势,在厨电行业中的渗透率将进一步提升。
[其他制造业,专用设备制造业,公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2021-06-28]
Industry Analysis is a market assessment tool designed to examine the political, economic and market conditions that affect a certain industry at a certain time. This also assists organizations to analyze the important aspects of the industry and provides a better understanding of the company’s position in the market and helps in planning key business strategies accordingly. The following figure illustrates the key segments involved in analyzing the global small arms market
[橡胶和塑料制品业,其他制造业] [2021-06-27]
Sunglasses are special lenses or protective eyewear designed to protect the eyes from the sun’s glare and high-energy visible light. Sunglasses sometimes function as a visual aid and feature colored, polarized/darkened lenses that protect the eyes from sunlight. The report analyzes the sunglasses market in accordance with type, design, frame material, distribution channel, and region. It includes revenue generated from sales of sunglasses across the globe. In addition, the study provides a detailed description on various sunglasses types, such as polarized and non-polarized. The report analyzes the sunglasses market based on design of sunglasses available in the market, that include aviator/pilot, round, cat eye, oval, square, rectangle, and others. The report also analyzes the sunglasses market in accordance with frame material that includes acetate, metal, injected, and others.
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,其他制造业,科学研究和技术服务业] [2021-06-22]
[食品制造业,其他制造业] [2021-06-17]
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,其他制造业] [2021-04-29]
当今世界地缘政治紧张,美国“对抗中国”、“保障供应链安全” 已明确写入《法案》。目前《法案》中已明确限制高端技术、先进科技的交流或进口,中国香港已在关注名单中,未来中国民企也将有可能迎来更严格管控。因此我国“十四五”期间国防现代化建设加速势在必行,提升军用器件国产化率、建立完善“内循环”供应链或将成为我军未来发展重点之一。
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,其他制造业] [2021-04-29]
建议沿着①产业链中上游高成长优质标的;②下游主机厂及核心配套企业等平台类标的两个方向布局。前者2021 年业绩增长中枢普遍位于30-50%之间甚至更高,建议关注军工电子元器件、原材料、零部件及设备或系统配套类,需求面向航天装备、新型航空装备、电子装备主干道及其它细分领域渗透率、市占率提升的重点标的;后者2021 年需求增长中枢普遍位于20%左右,也值得结合市场环境逢低布局。
[汽车制造业,其他制造业] [2021-04-20]
[汽车制造业,其他制造业] [2021-04-07]