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  • 321.全球瓶装水包装市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [交通运输、仓储和邮政业,橡胶和塑料制品业] [2016-04-22]

    Bottled water comes from sources including wells, springs, artesian wells, and municipal water supplies. It typically undergoes a purification process before being packaged in plastic or glass bottles. Bottled water can be categorized into mineral water, still water, flavored water, and sparkling water. Bottled water is one of the most profitable beverages in the beverage industry, and its consumption is growing rapidly because of its convenience and appeal. Bottled water packaging provides product support, external environment protection, and is tamper resistant. It aids in the reliable distribution of bottled water on the value chain and reduces post-production damage. The different types of materials used in packaging of bottled water are plastic, glass, other packaging materials like metal, and paperboard.
  • 322.全球塑料薄膜市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [橡胶和塑料制品业] [2016-04-19]

    Plastic films are mainly used for packaging chemicals, consumer goods, food and beverages, and pharmaceutical products. They are light, non-corrosive, relatively cheap, and can be molded into various shapes, making them highly applicable for packaging. Their inert nature and ability to preserve products for a long period make them a popular choice in the food and beverages industry. Plastic film packaging is also preferred by various industries such as food packaging and personal care packaging, as its attractiveness aids in promotions. It is used by other industries for the packaging of products like automotive parts, industrial goods, pharmaceutical products, and other consumer goods.
  • 323.钛白粉行业:价格有望底部企稳回升-首次覆盖报告

    [橡胶和塑料制品业,化学纤维制造业] [2016-04-06]

    经过三年多的行业低迷后,钛白粉价格跌入历史性低位,包括龙头企业在内,全行业盈利艰难。在这样的背景条件下, 2015 年底,海外五家钛白粉巨头几乎同时提价,国内企业也在 2016 年年初开始跟进涨价。我们认为,随着佰利联和龙蟒钛业的合并,行业并购重组有望提速。 而供给侧改革则有望进一步促进产能出清。行业整合叠加供给侧改革,国内钛白粉供给格局逐步向好,景气度有望底部回升。
  • 324.化工行业:原油价格反弹,石化产业链小幅上涨

    [石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业,化学原料和化学制品制造业,化学纤维制造业,橡胶和塑料制品业] [2016-03-13]

    成长股:1)看好新材料领域的功能膜和高端 PU 革,推荐道明光学(002632)和安利股份(300218),2)聚焦涤纶工业丝,启动二次腾飞,推荐海利得(002206), 3)从传统的改性塑料向苹果产业链和 3D 打印领域布局,看好银禧科技(300221), 4)传统制造业积极规划电子商务和打造供应链金融体系,看好金发科技(600143), 5)高端定制正从欧美转移到国内,雅本化学(300261)和联化科技(002250)最为受益,6)ACM替代 CPE,销量成倍提升,推荐日科化学(300214)。
  • 325.塑料橡胶行业:受益供给侧改革,并购整合是大趋势-供给侧改革之一,轮胎篇

    [橡胶和塑料制品业] [2016-02-15]

  • 326.化工行业:国际原油价格大幅反弹,日本宣布研发出碳纤维量产新工艺-周报(16/01/18-16/01/24)

    [化学纤维制造业,石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业,橡胶和塑料制品业,化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2016-01-31]

  • 327.北美瑜伽和运动垫市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [文化、体育和娱乐业,橡胶和塑料制品业] [2016-01-22]

    Yoga practice originated in India and is a system of over 5,000 years old that helps in reducing weight, gaining strength, increasing flexibility, and reducing stress. During the 1970s, yoga evolved in the US and the fitness industry witnessed significant growth. Since then, many people in North America have shown interest in fitness and yoga. Hath yoga is the most popular form of yoga in North America. In 2014, the number of people in the US practicing yoga reached 15.28 million, and a 20% annual increase is being witnessed in the number of persons practicing yoga. Immigration of Indians in Canada is also making yoga popular in the country. In 2011, as per the National Household Survey, 1.26 million Indians lived in Canada and accounted for 3.8% of the total population. In 2014, the population in Canada practicing yoga accounted for 9%. Yoga and exercise mats provide safety from sliding and injury while practicing the exercises and yoga. These yoga and exercise mats are available in various shapes, sizes, and raw materials depending upon the purpose of use.
  • 328.全球避孕套市场报告(2015-2019年)

    [橡胶和塑料制品业,医药制造业] [2016-01-06]

    The idea of condoms and their usage is not new. They have been in existence for four centuries. Condoms are widely recommended and used for preventing pregnancy, STDs, and STIs. APAC is one of the fastest growing condom markets due to a need to control the population boom in many countries of the region. Efforts are being made by both commercial companies and governmental bodies for education in safe sex and promotion of the correct usage of condoms. This is the major reason for governmental distribution of free samples of condoms in some countries in Africa as well as in countries such as China, India, and Vietnam.
  • 329.2014-2018年中国天然橡胶行业分析及市场前景预测报告

    [橡胶和塑料制品业] [2015-12-28]

  • 330.全球拉伸和收缩膜市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [橡胶和塑料制品业] [2015-12-17]

    Stretch and shrink films are highly engineered polyethylene (PE) films used for packaging goods. These films have special chemical properties such as flexibility and stretchability, which are their differentiating factors. Stretch films are stretchable, elastic thin PE films used to wrap around pallet loads. On the other hand, shrink films are thin films used to wrap around a single product or commodity and require the application of heat for packing. These films help prevent the spoilage of goods from air and moisture, enhancing the quality of packaged products.
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