[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,金融业] [2019-03-28]
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2019-03-27]
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2019-03-27]
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2019-03-27]
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2019-03-27]
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,金融业] [2019-03-27]
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2019-03-27]
The Hungarian defence market is small in comparison to other European states. After the effects of war and occupation, independent Hungary had little in the way of advanced weapons manufacturers. The industry is dominated by privately owned SMEs, which have weak demand domestically and often diversify into the civilian segment out of necessity. Such firms produce ammunition, defence electronics and some light vehicles, which necessitates the importation of more advanced hardware. The recently announced Zrinyi 2026 plan - alongside earlier commitments to increase defence spending by 0.1% of GDP per annum - will create opportunities for domestic firms where possible if fully implemented. However, a number of big-ticket purchases have already been made with international firms, underlining the Hungarian defence industry's inability to produce more high-value hardware. Moreover, we maintain a level of scepticism in relation to spending increases.
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,金融业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2019-03-26]
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2019-03-23]
养老机构取消许可+两会再度聚焦养老,十三五接近收官政策有望加速推动。19 年民政部1 号文件,要求不再设立养老机构许可,准入放宽迎来行业红利;19 年两会养老任务时间表要求,养老金平均提高5%,3-5 年新增普惠床位100 万张。我们认为,近期一系列政策推出,与加快完成“十三五”老龄事业定量目标实现有关,去年十月《完善促进消费体制机制实施方案(2018-2020 年)》提及养老,未来有望推出减税、资金支持等更多更大力度政策。
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2019-03-20]