[采矿业] [2025-02-26]
In recent years, governments all across the world have come to understand the impact of the mining industry on economic expansion. Consequently, some emerging economies have been putting policies and programs into place to encourage the expansion of the mining sector. Both mining companies and the producers of mining equipment stand to gain from the government'sincreasing support for the industry.
[采矿业] [2025-02-26]
Marine calcium is a source of calcium derived from ocean species such as fishbones, shellfish, crustacean shells, and coral and seaweed. The production, distribution, and consumption of calcium comes from marine sources, mostly brackish and seawater. It has various applications, such as supplements, cosmetics, and others (animal feed and agriculture).
[采矿业] [2025-02-26]
Magnesite is an important ore that is used to produce magnesium. It occurs in ultramafic rocks, peridotite, serpentinite, and other magnesium-rich rocks. Magnesite exhibits superior flame and heat retardant properties; thus, it is mainly used in refractory applications.
[石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,采矿业] [2025-02-19]
本周全球能源价格回顾。截至 2025 年 2 月 7 日,原油价格方面,布伦特原油期货结算价为 74.66 美元/桶,较上周下跌 2.10 美元/桶(-2.74%);WTI 原油期货结 算价为 71.00 美元/桶,较上周下跌 1.53 美元/桶(-2.11%)。天然气价格方面,东北亚 LNG 现货到岸价为 14.73 美元/百万英热,较上周上涨 0.23 美元/百万英热 (+1.6%);荷兰 TTF 天然气期货结算价 55.40 欧元/兆瓦时,较上周上涨 1.75 欧元/兆瓦时(+3.3%);美国 HH 天然气期货结算价为 3.31 美元/百万英热,较 上周上涨 0.27 美元/百万英热(+8.7%)。
[采矿业] [2025-02-18]
[石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业,采矿业] [2025-02-17]
发展煤化工可充分发挥我国煤炭资源优势。我国煤炭资源丰富,2023 年我国 煤炭产量 47.1 亿吨,占全球煤炭产量的 51.8%;而原油和天然气产量分别占 全球总产量的 4.6%和 5.8%,资源仍相对匮乏。发展煤化工替代石油资源, 充分发挥国内煤炭资源优势,有利于保障国家能源战略安全。
[金融业,采矿业] [2025-02-13]
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,采矿业] [2025-02-13]
[采矿业] [2025-01-23]
2024 年我国煤炭消费增速有所放缓,其中,电力行业在清洁能源高速增长挤出影响下,用煤增速明显放缓;钢材和建材行业受下游需求低迷影响,用煤量均不及上年同期;只有化工行业在新型煤化工产能投产带动下,用煤增速明显提升,但整体体量仍偏小。作为能源安全保障的“压舱石”,短期内电力用煤需求仍将对煤炭消费量形成托底,钢材和建材用煤需求走势仍需关注政策对下游需求的推动,新型煤化工新增产能的持续释放将推动化工行业用煤需求保持增长。
[采矿业,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2025-01-14]