[采矿业,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2024-07-31]
印尼能源结构和煤炭资源情况:1)能源结构:煤炭约占总能源供应的 1/3,且为主要的发电燃料(2021 年燃煤发电量占比约 2/3),经济能源严重依赖煤炭。2)煤炭资源:全球第三大煤炭生产国和最大的动力煤出口国。据 BP 能源统计,截至 2020 年印尼煤炭资源量 348.7 亿吨,居世界第 7 位,占世界煤炭资源量比例 3.2%,储产比 62 年;已探明储量主要分布在苏门答腊和加里曼丹两岛,多为露天矿,开采条件较好。
[采矿业] [2024-07-31]
Mining companies are using 3D mine visualizers to obtain a real-time digital model of a mine. A 3D mine visualizer generates a three-dimensional model of the mine layout and transfers it directly to the operator. With a web-based interface, information about the model is available with any connected device. It offers full record and playback capabilities in 3D, allowing operators to review and analyze historical data to improve productivity and identify best practices. 3D mine visualizers significantly enhance the productivity of large mining environments. It is a valuable tool in operations planning, analyzing problematic areas, and tracking mine development over time. Microsoft, GE, IBM, Siemens and Bosch have introduced their digital twin technology for 3D visualization and real-time monitoring of deep-sea mining operations.i
[采矿业] [2024-07-29]
我们通过复盘煤炭 30 年历史,揭露煤炭的投资发展脉络,找寻煤炭股的投资逻辑,我们认为煤炭行业过去 30 年是周期品投资框架的典型印证,紧跟经济波动的脉搏。未来在资产荒问题逐步凸显背景下,煤炭红利资产的投资吸引力在不断增强。
[采矿业] [2024-07-17]
[采矿业] [2024-07-16]
[采矿业] [2024-07-15]
[采矿业,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2024-07-11]
[采矿业] [2024-07-10]
[采矿业] [2024-07-02]
锂精矿生产:因锂价低迷以及股东拿货需求减少产量降低。1)澳洲:2024年第一季度澳洲有8个在产项目,SC6精矿产量为73.0万吨,同环比+0.8%/-13.5%,减量主因系Q1锂市场价格低迷、股东拿货需求减弱 以及矿山枯竭。参考FY24(23H2-24H1)产量指引,澳洲8个项目除格林布什外主要项目均有增量。2)非洲:非洲项目主要为中资企业一体化项目,矿石在第四季度逐渐发运回国并制备为碳酸锂,贡献2024年锂供给主要增量。3)欧美:南美洲项目扩产较为稳定,北美NAL项目因价格较高 造血能力迎来考验,因锂价低迷绿地项目融资普遍遇见困难。
[采矿业] [2024-07-02]