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  • 41.国铁集团24年首次招标出炉,地产利好政策出台有利于工程机械内需改善

    [通用设备制造业,铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-06-20]

    家统计局数据显示,5 月制造业 PMI 为 49.5%,环比回落 0.9pct 落至荣枯线之下;其中,新订单指数 49.6%,环比下降 1.5pct;生产指数 50.8%环比下 降 2.1pct;反映下游需求仍处弱复苏状态。从产量数据来看,2024 年月,金属切削机床产量 6.0 万台,同比增长 11.1%;1-4 月金属切削机床累计产量 21.1 万台,累计同比增长 6.0%。4 月工业机器人产量 5.0 万台,同比增长 25.9%;1-4 月累计产量 17.1 万台,同比增长 9.9%;今年以来需求有所改善。自 2 月 23 日中央财经委员会第四次会议提出要实行大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新以来,相关政策和金融支持陆续落地。

  • 42.船型需求有望轮动,看好造船市场景气度延续

    [铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-06-19]

    本轮造船周期始于2020H2集装箱船运价爆发,在经济复苏、老旧船舶汰换、船舶脱碳进程推进、地缘冲突影响的 多重因素持续加益下,打开了长周期上行通道。全球产能经过长达10年的出清短期难以恢复,造船行业进入卖方 市场。截至2024年5月10日,新造船价格指数达185.29点,年内上涨幅度达3.9%,较2020年末上涨47.5%。散、油、气、集新造船价格指数分别为171.14、217.72、203.62、113.21点。年内上涨幅度达3.6%、4.43%、2.8%、7.7%,较2020年末上涨38.8%、49.9%、52.1%、50.1%。成本端钢价呈下降趋势,汇率保持高位,船企未来三年营收盈利确定性强。 

  • 43.西南地区规模最大—— 天府动车所建成投用

    [金属制品、机械和设备修理业,铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-06-17]

  • 44.铁路信息化,车载系统受益高铁招标与更新替换

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-06-13]

    多项数据显示,铁路行业正在逐步从疫情中复苏:1)2023 年铁路旅客运输需求呈现高速增长。2023 年,我国铁路完成旅客运输量 36.85 亿人,同比增长 120%。2)高铁里程建设持续增长。3)铁路固定资产投资额恢复增长。从铁路固定资产投资额来看,2023 年我国完成铁路固定资产投资额 7645 亿元,较 2022 年增长 7.5%。

  • 45.低空经济发展如火如荼,低空空管市场方兴未艾——低空经济系列之四

    [铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2024-06-12]

    空管系统全称为通信、导航、监视与空中交通管理系统,其中通信、导航和监视(CNS)部分属于外围设施范畴,空中交通管理系统(ATM)是空管人员实际用于管理空中交通运输的信息处理系统。空管系统与航空公司、机场一起构成航空运输系统的三大支柱,随着航空运行需求扩大和国家安全要求升级,空中交通 保障能力要求逐步提升。根据《民航行业发展统计公报》,2015-2023 年我国民航基本建设和技术改造投资额从 769.3 亿元增长至 1241.3 亿元,8 年 CAGR 约 6% ;2023 年我国空管系统投资完成额约 64.5 亿元。

  • 46.全球韩国小型拖拉机市场报告2030年

    [铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-06-06]

    Compact tractors, generally known as compact utility tractors, are primarily useful for small farms. The compact tractors are designed for small-scale farming requirements. Based on capacity, the compact tractors are categorized into below 30 HP (Horsepower), 30 HP–40 HP, and 40 HP–60 HP. In terms of drive type, the compact tractors market is segmented into two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive. The agricultural sector is the major application area of compact tractors, followed by utility-scale applications.

  • 47.全球俄罗斯紧凑型拖拉机市场报告2030年

    [铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-06-04]

    Compact tractors, generally known as compact utility tractors, are primarily useful for small farms. The compact tractors are designed for small-scale farming requirements. Based on capacity, the compact tractors are categorized into below 30 HP (Horsepower), 30 HP–40 HP, and 40 HP–60 HP. In terms of drive type, the compact tractors market is segmented into two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive. The agricultural sector is the major application area of compact tractors, followed by utility-scale applications.

  • 48.全球俄罗斯机身 MRO 市场报告2030年

    [铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-06-04]

    The maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) of an airframe or its component can help businesses maintain their functions for the long term. As a result, aviation manufacturers majorly focus on creating appropriate business processes and infrastructure. Governments of various countries across the globe are highly engaged in massively investing in aviation infrastructure to deliver better MRO services. They also plan to develop the airports as MRO hubs, integrating all the capabilities, facilities, and warehouses in the facility to offer high-quality services to aircraft. Several engine development programs are being adopted, owing to the ever-increasing spending toward aircraft modernization, norms and regulations, and environmental concerns for the retirement of older fleets. Most of the engine manufacturers are robustly focusing on the development of economical and efficient engines for new aircraft fleets. The procurement of advanced aircraft parts is expected to double in the next few years, which will result in the retirement of older planes across the globe. Further, the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and other advanced technologies into aircraft is boosting the need for high-quality maintenance services, which is fueling the airframe maintenance services market.

    关键词:机身或其部件;修理和大修 (MRO) ;长期维持其功能;业务流程;基础设施;MRO 服务
  • 49.全球俄罗斯飞机线束市场报告2030年

    [铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-06-04]

    Wiring harnesses are essential for modern aircraft, allowing the transmission of power, signals, and data and enabling smooth operations of aircraft systems. It is used in applications for engines, fuselage, nacelle, landing gear, UAV, space, ground support, and a host of system wiring harnesses. Moreover, aircraft wiring harnesses are rigorously constructed to satisfy the special requirements of aviation, considering various aspects such as safety, reliability, weight reduction, electromagnetic interference (EMI) prevention, and compatibility with extreme environmental conditions.

  • 50.全球俄罗斯飞机 MRO 市场报告2030年

    [铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-06-04]

    The maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) services are an essential and unavoidable aspect of every business. A proper MRO of an aircraft or its component can help businesses avoid significant risks to their survival. Thus, aviation industry players majorly focus on creating appropriate business processes and infrastructure to support industry growth. The rising demand for air travel worldwide is encouraging aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus and Boeing to increase their production volumes and offer maintenance services for these aircraft as well. With the constant growth in air traffic, carriers are more liable to maintain the optimum condition of the aircraft so as to extend their life span; otherwise, they would have to procure new aircraft.

    关键词:维护;修理和大修 (MRO) 服务;造成重大风险
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