[专用设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2022-06-29]
Establishments described in this report are primarily participating in the voice biometrics market. Voice biometrics is the science of using a person's voice as a uniquely identifying biological characteristic in order to authenticate them. ... Voice biometrics also improves the customer experience by removing frustration associated cumbersome login processes and lost and stolen credentials.
[汽车制造业,专用设备制造业] [2022-06-27]
[专用设备制造业,医药制造业] [2022-06-27]
[仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业,专用设备制造业] [2022-06-27]
Establishments described in this report are primarily participating in the synchronous condenser market. In electrical engineering, a synchronous condenser is a DC-excited synchronous motor, whose shaft is not connected to anything but spins freely. Its purpose is not to convert electric power to mechanical power or vice versa, but to adjust conditions on the electric power transmission grid.
[专用设备制造业,化学纤维制造业] [2022-06-21]
[专用设备制造业] [2022-06-21]
[专用设备制造业] [2022-06-20]
线上均价:同比由负转正。5 月当月冰箱线上均价2185 元,同比+8%;本年年初至今均价2177 元,同比-0.42%。美的进入22 年以来调整白电价格体系,5 月线上价格+12%;容声均价今年保持提升,5 月+11%,年初至今+4%;海尔5 月均价+2%;美菱、西门子、新飞等品牌均价同比下降。
[专用设备制造业,医药制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2022-06-19]
Establishments described in this report are primarily participating in the ultrasound market. An ultrasound is an imaging test that uses sound waves to create a picture (also known as a sonogram) of organs, tissues, and other structures inside the body. Unlike x-rays, ultrasounds don't use any radiation.
[专用设备制造业] [2022-06-17]
2022 年5 月挖机行业销量20,624 台,同比-24.2%,基本符合此前CME 预期-23%,较4 月-47.3%降幅趋势明显。其中国内销量12,179 台,同比-44.8%;出口8,445 台,同比+64.0%,出口持续向好,销量在总销量占比提升至40.9%。2022 年1-5 月挖机行业累计销量122,333 台,同比下降39.1%。其中,国内市场销量80,097 台,同比下降54.7%;出口销量42,236 台,同比增长75.7%,在总销量中占比34.5%。5 月挖机行业降幅较4 月明显缩窄,主要原因是同期高基数压力缓解、出口增长强劲,展望未来,随着疫情逐步可控,基数进一步稀释,行业降幅进一步有望缩窄,三季度有望迎来转正。
[专用设备制造业,采矿业] [2022-06-13]