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报告分类:外文技术报告 所属行业:印刷和记录媒介复制业

  • 1.微机电系统中喷墨印刷技术的应用

    [印刷和记录媒介复制业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2015-05-03]

    In this dissertation, I propose an alternative approach of a printed switch, where the use of semiconductors can be avoided by building mechanical switches with printed metal nanoparticles. I provide the first demonstration of inkjet-printed micro-electro-mechanical (MEM) switches with abrupt switching characteristics, very low on-state resistance (~10 Ohm), and nearly perfect off-state behavior with immeasurable leakage with on/off current ratio of 107. The devices are fabricated using a novel process scheme to build 3-dimensional cantilever structures from solution-processed metallic nanoparticles and sacrificial polymers. These printed MEM switches thus represent a uniquely attractive path for realizing printed electronics. I will also discuss an inkjet-printed microshell encapsulation as a new zero-level packaging technology. Inkjet-printing of silver nanoparticle ink is demonstrated to form porous microshells through which sacrificial oxide can be selectively removed to release MEMS structures. A second inkjet printing process using finer gold nanoparticle ink or polymer is demonstrated to effectively seal the microshells.
  • 2.带有碱性和中性化学试剂的LEP数码印刷脱墨纸的效果

    [印刷和记录媒介复制业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2014-02-18]

    We present a comparative study of HPES and HPMF deinking results of LEP printing using a variety of coated and uncoated substrates from different manufacturing locations. Our results identify three most important factors affecting the deinkability of LEP prints. We also show that all of the LEP digital prints are deinkable with the right understanding of the deinking science.
  • 3.HPIndigoLEP出版物的电子油墨荷电保持能力

    [印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2014-02-17]

    ElectroInk experiences multiple transfers, some electrostatic and others mechanical, on its way from the ink can to printed image in an HP Indigo press. For example, in the binary ink developer (BID), ink is electrostatically transferred from the developer roller to a metal cleaning roller and then removed from the cleaning roller and returned to the ink tank by mechanical action. The disposition of ink charge following transfer is critical to the performance of the press. Of particular interest are the timescale for ink charge decay following electrostatic transfer and the impact of mechanical transfer on ink charge. Both of these subjects will be addressed in this presentation.
  • 4.数字出版艺术:支撑出版业未来的一种组合标准的基础

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2013-12-18]

    Scienti c content increasingly relies on the presentation and authoring of complex multimedia diagrams and gures, sometimes interactive, to convey information in a non-textual way. Wikis and user-generated hyper-linked content have both been very successful in the case for text|this is what we aim to do for mathematical diagrams. Many professors in higher education who write textbooks know TeX, however, they don't often know how to program the Web. The future of building interactive user interfaces should lie not in the hands of programmers, but in the hands of the expert of a given eld|the goal of this project is to supply math, physics, and engineering professors with a platform to express mathematical concepts to students to provide immersive learning environments.
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