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报告分类:外文技术报告 所属行业:房地产业

  • 1.房地产行业:中国/香港房地产,近期巡回路演收到的投资者反馈

    [房地产业] [2023-03-01]

    投资者普遍看衰中国房地产经济,我们遇到的投资者中,无一认为现在是买入中国房地产股票的好时机。 对于持有中国房地产股票的人来说,他们主要持有中海地产(688 HK)和华润置地(1109 HK)等主要国企开发商的股票,对中小盘开发商不感兴趣。 然而,越秀地产 (123 HK) 和华润置地 (1109 HK) 是投资者最感兴趣的两家公司。 投资者认为,对国企开发商的“买入买权” 仅仅是经纪人之间的共识。

  • 2.量化联邦政策目标关于交通-住宅-能源交互的公共交通导向发展的潜在贡献

    [电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,房地产业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2014-11-07]

    The LRT system in Denver, Colorado, connects the downtown with neighborhoods to the North, but primarily stretches southwards, travelling in existing transportation corridors carrying freeways and a heavy rail system. Outside of the downtown areas, the siting of the LRT system alongside the rigid infrastructure that comprises the heavy rail system and the freeway systems severely inhibits pedestrian accessibility to the transit system. To help further understand how the level of accessibility varies across the system, a systematic pedestrian level-of-service index for each station within the system was created that takes into account the formal, as well as informal street networks. This inaccessibility is highly likely to limit the potential that this system may have to generate development near station located that is fully integrated with the LRT system. Primary data collected by surveying households across the metropolitan area revealed very little difference between car ownership rates and weekly VMT of survey respondents living within 12- mile of an LRT station and elsewhere in the metropolitan area. Differentiating between those station areas that were Park-and-Ride (that is, had a park-and-ride lot) versus Walk-and-Ride showed a more nuanced picture. Residents who live in Walk-and-Ride stations do have have lower VMT than those who live in Park-and-Ride station areas and those who do not live near an LRT station. This reinforces the fact that development needs to be more fully integrated with the LRT system in order to achieve some intended goals such as less dependence on automobiles.
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