[金融业,居民服务、修理和其他服务业,租赁和商务服务业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2021-03-01]
A smart parking system typically obtains information about available parking spaces in a particular geographic area or in residential areas and process is real-time to place vehicles at available positions. For the operation of the smart parking the system involves low-cost sensors, real-time data collection, and smart phone enabled automated payment systems. This combination allows people to reserve parking in advance and predicts the parking space location. This system is deployed to reduce car emissions in urban centers and is helpful for people searching a vehicle parking across the city. The smart parking system implies the M2M technologies to properly manage parking supply and also helps one of the biggest problems on driving in urban areas, i.e., finding empty parking spaces and controlling illegal parking. Increased parking concern, growth in demand for IoT-based technology, and surge in number of vehicles that leads to traffic congestion are the factors expected to drive the smart parking market growth during the forecast period. However, high implementation cost and configuration complexity restrain the market growth.
[租赁和商务服务业] [2021-02-25]
[交通运输、仓储和邮政业,租赁和商务服务业] [2021-02-21]
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,租赁和商务服务业] [2021-02-21]
[租赁和商务服务业] [2021-02-19]
[租赁和商务服务业] [2021-02-18]
[租赁和商务服务业,住宿和餐饮业] [2021-01-31]
海南在岛免税清单有望在春节前落地,岛民免税消费有望全面启动,具体细则和清单商品品类将一定程度上决定近5 年海南在岛免税消费的市场空间以及竞争格局。海南“一负三正”四张清单逐步落地,将对离岛免税新政形成良好补充,成为海南建设国际消费中心的重要支持;华住发布2020 年第四季度及全年的酒店经营初步业绩,数据端看,2020Q4 公司经营数据几乎恢复至去年同期水平,华住中国净开业279 家酒店。2020 年全年经营效率保持稳健,华住中国全年RevPAR 为149 元,同比下降24.5%,恢复程度较突出。
[住宿和餐饮业,租赁和商务服务业] [2021-01-31]
[租赁和商务服务业,居民服务、修理和其他服务业] [2021-01-31]
18 年全球轻医美项目中肉毒占比更高(48%),我国占比偏低,供给有限、价格断层是重要制约因素,19 年我国正规肉毒市场36 亿元。肉毒作为入门级医美项目,可联合玻尿酸/光电医美等提供综合方案,市场提升潜力大,20 年Dysport、Hugel 新入中国,爱美客/华东医药/复星医药亦联合海外企业布局国内,供给扩容有望加速成长,我们预计至2030 年我国肉毒市场规模可达440-840 亿元(医疗+医美)。不同于韩国因监管宽松、内需有限等因素导致的“内卷”型市场,我国医美人口基数庞大、渗透率处快速提升期,且市场分层、需求多样化,有序竞争中参与者共享总蛋糕扩大红利。
[金融业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,租赁和商务服务业] [2021-01-31]
Internet advertising is the process of using the internet as a medium to deliver marketing or promotional messages to an identified as well as intended audience. It helps to attract website traffic & brand exposure and is designed to encourage the targeted consumer to engage in a specific action such as making a purchase. It is one of the most effective ways for all size of businesses to find new customers, expand their reach, and diversify their revenue streams. The businesses are using internet advertising (such as banners, pay-per-call ads, payper- click ads, and pop-ups) in e-newsletters, on search engines, on compatible websites, and in online versions of magazines and newspapers as a way of reaching people who uses the internet for shopping or to gather information. Internet advertising not only helps brands to find the right audience but also helps keep the target audience engaged as it is a fast and easy way of advertising