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  • 371.社会服务行业:韩国肉毒风云史对我国借鉴-海外市场研究系列

    [租赁和商务服务业,居民服务、修理和其他服务业] [2021-01-31]

    18 年全球轻医美项目中肉毒占比更高(48%),我国占比偏低,供给有限、价格断层是重要制约因素,19 年我国正规肉毒市场36 亿元。肉毒作为入门级医美项目,可联合玻尿酸/光电医美等提供综合方案,市场提升潜力大,20 年Dysport、Hugel 新入中国,爱美客/华东医药/复星医药亦联合海外企业布局国内,供给扩容有望加速成长,我们预计至2030 年我国肉毒市场规模可达440-840 亿元(医疗+医美)。不同于韩国因监管宽松、内需有限等因素导致的“内卷”型市场,我国医美人口基数庞大、渗透率处快速提升期,且市场分层、需求多样化,有序竞争中参与者共享总蛋糕扩大红利。

  • 372.医疗保健提供商与服务行业:何氏眼科,区域眼科龙头,三级医疗服务模式成熟,布局全国重点城市

    [居民服务、修理和其他服务业] [2020-12-26]

    公司是国内知名民营眼科连锁集团。何氏眼科是一家集医教研于一体,采取 三级眼健康医疗服务模式的集团型连锁医疗机构,面向眼病患者提供眼科全 科诊疗服务。诊疗服务项目包括白内障、青光眼、玻璃体视网膜病变等常见 致盲性眼病和干眼、中医等特色诊疗服务;同时针对屈光不正提供光学矫正、 屈光不正手术及视功能训练等眼科专科诊疗服务和视光服务。

  • 373.社会服务商业贸易行业:疫情反弹短期拖累行业复苏,线下必选消费竞争格局有望改善

    [居民服务、修理和其他服务业] [2020-12-26]

    本周(#12.14-12.20)申万休闲服务指数、商业贸易指数相对于沪深 300 上涨 1.50%、下跌 2.68%。申 万休闲服务指数上涨 3.76%,商业贸易指数下跌 0.42%,沪深 300 指数上涨 2.26%,涨跌幅分别排名 第 5 位和第 24 位。个股方面,休闲服务周涨幅较大的个股为:腾邦国际(+ 6.03 %)、黄山旅游(+ 3.06 %)、西安饮食(+2.85%);跌幅较大的个股为:大东海 A(-18.23%)、大东海 B(-17.73%)、 海航创新(12.66%)。商贸零售周涨幅较大的个股为:萃华珠宝(+20.92%)、家家悦(+7.37%)、 王府井(+6.23%);跌幅较大的个股为:新华都(-10.39%)、南极电商(-9.61%)、步步高(-9.10%)。

  • 374.全球防水市场前景预测(2020-2025年)

    [居民服务、修理和其他服务业,建筑业] [2020-12-24]

    Waterproofing in building constructions is the process of making a structure waterresistant or impervious to ingress of water. In areas where building structures have high exposure to rainfall and snowfall, waterproofing is mandatorily preferred to maintain the safety and quality of the building. Basements and foundation areas need to be waterproofed in buildings where the groundwater levels are high. In the APAC and North American regions, a majority of the construction sites are built-in high water table areas, which is likely to exert hydrostatic pressure on the basement and walls. This can force water through cracks, which can result in structural damage along with moisture-related problems like mold, mildew, and decay. A majority of building owners prefer waterproofing to maintain the quality and resale value of the buildings. Unhealthy living areas and weak foundations are significantly reducing the resale value of the building every year globally. Investors and buyers of properties in a majority of growing economies around the world have waterproofing as an essential consideration in building construction works. Waterproofing methods differ in the areas it is being applied like urban and rural applications.

  • 375.全球扩展保修市场报告(2020-2027年)

    [居民服务、修理和其他服务业] [2020-12-24]

    Extended warranty or service contracts provide protection on certain mechanical and electrical components, which are covered under general warranty services. However, extended warranties can be expensive and generally excludes routine maintenance such as oil changes and tire replacement. Extended warranty providers are enhancing awareness & benefits of an extended warranty plan and educating buyers about available products and services, which fuels growth of the extended warranty market. An in-depth analysis across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA has also been included in the report. This report features information on extended warranty offered by key vendors. Furthermore, it highlights strategies of key players to improve the market share and sustain competition.

  • 376.全球设施管理服务市场报告(2020-2027年)

    [水利、环境和公共设施管理业,居民服务、修理和其他服务业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2020-12-23]

    Facility management services offer maintenance support and escalate the value of a building or infrastructure. In addition, these services have revolutionized commercial and industrial buildings, by maximizing returns on real estate investments for owners through value-added programs and superior management expertise. These services directly support owner’s financial and operational goals. This report covers the study of the global facility management services market based on service type, type, end user, and region.

  • 377.全球消防栓市场报告(2020-2027年)

    [居民服务、修理和其他服务业,公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2020-12-22]

    Fire hydrants are mechanical devices normally placed outside a building. However, internal fire hydrants may be mounted if certain portion of a building cannot be safeguarded by an exterior one. In addition, multiple fire hydrants may be needed in a building structure based on reach of hoses and size of a property. This report covers study of the global fire hydrants market based on product type, operating type, construction, end-user, and region.

  • 378.六部门:广泛运用5G、AI等技术推动物业服务企业加快发展线上线下生活服务

    [居民服务、修理和其他服务业] [2020-12-16]

  • 379.京东7亿美元投资兴盛优选 加码社区团购

    [居民服务、修理和其他服务业,批发和零售业] [2020-12-14]

  • 380.《深圳市生活垃圾分类管理条例》实施百日厨余垃圾回收量上升250%

    [卫生和社会工作,居民服务、修理和其他服务业] [2020-12-10]

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