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  • 611.国防军工行业:空管雷达及系统,春风将至花欲开

    [专用设备制造业] [2021-06-02]

    空管雷达及系统是空中管制的“千里眼”,近期备受美军重视。十四五军机升级换代加速列装,配套空管雷达及系统有望受益。运输和通用航空迎来快速发展期,工业无人机或成为通航发展新动力,配套 空管雷达及系统需求旺盛。

  • 612.军工行业:行业景气持续,价值投资回归-2020年报及2021年一季报业绩综述

    [专用设备制造业] [2021-06-01]

    军工行业 2020 年及 2021Q1 业绩回顾:2020 年 115 家核心业务涉及军工领域的上市公司共实现营业收入 4749 亿元,同比增长 11.41%,增速在一级行业(SW)中排名 9/28;实现归母净利润 287 亿元,同比增长 69.84%,增速在一级行业(SW)中排名 4/28。2021Q1,国防军工行业实现营业收入 981 亿元,同比增长 31.49%,增速在一级行业(SW)中排名 19/28;实现归母净利润 69 亿元,同比增长 7.65%,增速在一级行业(SW)中排名 21/28。

  • 613.全球太阳能遮阳系统市场报告(2020-2027年)

    [专用设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2021-05-31]

    Solar shading systems eliminate the permeation of sun rays into the buildings. Besides, they seek substantial adoption to shield against the overheating of commercial and residential spaces. These systems provide robust architectural solutions and features for solar protection & shading. Further, they entirely change the look of a refurbished or a new building by making a spectacular design influence while reducing energy costs by lessening solar heat gains. They are suitable for schools, offices, and other public and commercial buildings, both refurbished and new. In addition, solar shading can benefit to meet the energy conservation necessities of building regulations while lowering building running costs and growing comfort for occupants.

  • 614.全球交互式婴儿监护仪市场展望预测(2021-2026年)

    [仪器仪表制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,专用设备制造业] [2021-05-31]

    A baby monitor is an electronic device that transmits sound and video-related activities of a baby to a receiver that is usually at the parents’ end. The basic version of a baby monitor consists of a radio transmitter that relays sound to the receiver. The receiver contains an inbuilt speaker that enables sound transmission between the baby and parents. This basic version of the baby monitor works within a short or limited range of transmission area. Technological advancements have led to the embedment of advanced features in baby monitors that keep parents updated and connected with their babies, even from a remote location. Vendors have integrated baby monitors with the latest technologies such as video transmission, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth connectivity, to connect them with smartphones and to provide parents with continuous inputs of the baby’s activities. This, in turn, has paved the way for the growth of smart baby monitors with enhanced features for modern-day working parents.

  • 615.医疗机器人应用扩围 距产业爆发还有多远

    [专用设备制造业] [2021-05-31]

  • 616.全球保险柜和保险库市场报告(2020-2027年)

    [公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,专用设备制造业] [2021-05-30]

    Safes and vaults are secure storage systems wherein valuable items, such as money, documents, records, and others, can be stored. These are intended to protect the contents from unauthorized use, theft, natural disasters, fire, and others. They usually comprise metal boxes made up of thick metals, making it difficult to break them by force or to protect them from fire breakouts. In addition, these safes and vaults require passcodes, numerical pins, or passwords to open them. This report features information on the safes and vaults market offered by key vendors. Furthermore, it highlights the strategies of key players to improve the market share & sustain competition and an in-depth analysis across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA has also been included.

  • 617.电气设备行业:迎接行业风口,产能扩张为王-简评报告

    [电气机械和器材制造业,专用设备制造业] [2021-05-26]

    销量保持高位,供给瓶颈显现。碳中和带来光伏发展正周期,各环节迎来扩产潮。抽水蓄能价格机制浮出水面,万亿市场空间有望开启。新能源汽车方面,强烈推荐量利齐升的六氟环节(天赐、 多氟多、天际),电解液环节建议关注新宙邦,正极建议容百科技、 德方纳米以及中伟股份,隔膜建议关注恩捷股份和星源材质,负极领 域建议关注璞泰来,锂电池环节建议关注亿纬锂能、宁德时代、国轩 高科。

  • 618.电气设备行业:LG盈利大幅提升,在美产能扩张提速-海外动力电池21Q1详细点评

    [电气机械和器材制造业,专用设备制造业] [2021-05-26]

    海外电池企业 Q1 收入分化,lg、三星环比持续向上,全年 lg 及 sk 实 现高增长。LG 化学:营业利润率大幅提高,业绩超预期。三星 SDI:受季节影响环比下滑,全年高增可期。SKI:产能扩张提速,21 年目标翻番。松下:21 财年扭亏为盈,产能规划升级。

  • 619.国防军工行业:产业链景气度自上而下有序传导

    [专用设备制造业] [2021-05-22]


  • 620.《智能制造月度监测报告》2021年第4期

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,专用设备制造业,通用设备制造业] [2021-05-22]


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