[专用设备制造业] [2023-05-16]
2023 年4 月挖机行业销量18772 台,同比下降23.5%,略好于CME 此前26.6%的预测降幅。其中,国内销量9513 台,同比下降41%,好于预期降幅44%;出口9259 台,同比增长9%,略好于6%预期值。受下游项目资金面紧张,开工小时复苏放缓影响,4 月工程机械内销下滑幅度仍较大。整个一季度看,2023 年Q1 行业挖机总销量57471 台,同比下滑26%;其中国内28828 台,同比下降44%,出口28643 台,同比增长13%。从上游排产数据看,4 月工程机械核心零部件排产延续复苏态势,未来需求复苏较为乐观。从地产、基建数据看,2023 年3 月商品房销售面积同比持平,销售额同比增长6%,均呈回暖趋势,基建投资完成额2 万亿元,同比增长10%,维持较高增速。2022&2023 年Q1 十七家A 股工程机械企业合计实现营收3240/804 亿元,同比变动-13%/+4%,归母净利润161/59 亿元,同比变动-47%/+6%,Q1 业绩增速转正,随着行业基数自然回落,预计全年行业增速前低后高。
[汽车制造业,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,专用设备制造业] [2023-05-15]
[专用设备制造业] [2023-05-15]
[专用设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2023-05-15]
The global earth auger market is growing steadily due to the rising demand for equipment from commercial and residential users. The demand for earth auger surges during summer and spring due to the rising time spent on lawn care activities. Moreover, growing government efforts to expand green acreage through constructing parks, lawns and playgrounds are pushing the demand for earth augers in the market. With the rising interest in lawn and gardening care activities, the demand for residential sectors is also growing significantly, pushing the need for equipment by earth augers in the market.
[电气机械和器材制造业,仪器仪表制造业,专用设备制造业] [2023-05-01]
The global robotic floor scrubber market is gaining momentum due to the rising demand for effectiveness and efficiency by various commercial and industrial users, high labor costs in developed countries, and stringent norms regarding cleanliness and hygiene in various end-user industries. The popular trend of automation, rising dependence on technology to enhance productivity, and development of advanced technologies such as AI and sensors provide significant growth opportunities for vendors in the market.
[仪器仪表制造业,专用设备制造业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2023-05-01]
Paint sprayers are devices that help in painting surfaces evenly with paint or similar liquids. They can be used for painting several surfaces, such as wood, metal, brick, and many more. The demand for paint sprayers is driven by the automobile, manufacturing, construction, and marine industries. In addition, the rising trend of DIY projects is anticipated to drive the paint sprayer market. The market is segmented into product, power source, applicator type, and end-user.
[专用设备制造业,医药制造业] [2023-04-26]
[专用设备制造业] [2023-04-21]
[专用设备制造业] [2023-04-21]
3 月挖机销量符合预期,出口销量超预期正增长。根据中国工程机械工业协会的统计,2023 年3 月全国销售各类挖掘机2.56 万台,同比降低31.0%,环比提升19.2%,基本符合CME 此前预期。分市场来看,3 月国内销售13899 台,同比下滑47.7%,降幅再度扩大。我们认为3 月挖机内销增速大幅下滑主要有两方面原因。一方面,去年年底国标切换后,客户对国四新机的接受度仍有待进一步引导;另一方面,部分地区的终端客户回款比例仍然较低,对新机销售造成一定影响。出口方面,3 月挖机出口11679 台,创历史最高值,超出CME此前预期,同比/环比分别增长10.9%/17.3%,出口销量占比45.7%。2023 年1-3 月,全国共销售挖掘机5.75 万台,同比下降25.5%;其中国内销售2.88 万台,同比下降44.4%;出口2.86 万台,同比增长13.3%,出口销量占比49.8%。
[专用设备制造业] [2023-04-13]