[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2024-08-05]
[医药制造业,仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2024-08-02]
Veterinary endoscopy is a procedure where the inside of the animals body is examined using an instrument called an endoscope. A veterinary endoscopy device is a long, thin, flexible tube that has a light source and camera at one end. Images of the inside parts of the animal body are relayed to a television screen.
[仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2024-08-02]
Electrodeless gas discharge lamps, such as plasma lamps, are powered by radio frequency energy. Radiofrequency (RF) power is used to excite plasma inside a sealed, transparent burner or bulb to produce light in the form of plasma lamps. Plasma lamps use noble gases and additional materials such as metal halides, sodium, mercury, or sulfur to produce light in several colors.
[仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2024-07-31]
Camping coolers are portable containers designed to keep food and beverages cold during outdoor activities. Also known as ice chests, camping coolers employ insulation to maintain temperature levels, ensuring freshness. Camping coolers are essential for camping, picnics, and various recreational pursuits where refrigeration is unavailable.
[仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2024-07-30]
Chillers provide cooling in residential, industrial, and commercial places. Chillers provides air conditioning in buildings with the use of chilled water. Roof top chillers usually are air cooled whereas basement chillers are water cooled. The rising humidity concerns in both developed and developing countries, and surging demand for air conditioning systems for safety and comfort are boosting developments in the Chiller market across the world.
[电气机械和器材制造业] [2024-07-30]
全球:制冷设备以更新需求为主,中国主要家电公司旗下品牌占比波动提升。1)需求端:09-21 年零售量由 1.27 亿台稳步增长至 1.71 亿台后有所下滑至 23 年的 1.67 亿台,整体趋势为稳健增长,其中亚洲占比超 50%;主要为存量更新需求,中东非、亚洲和拉美仍有保有量提升空间;冰箱占比 09 年以来波动提升至 23 年的 77%。2)竞争格局:海尔集团份额 22.9%稳居第一且保持提升,其中海尔品牌 23 年为 18.8%位列第一;其次为惠而浦、三星和 LG;美的和海信位列前十,23 年分别为 5.5%和 4.9%;长虹美菱为 1.9%;中国主要家电公司旗下品牌份额 14-23 年由 31.5%波动提升至 36.5%。
[电气机械和器材制造业] [2024-07-30]
复盘日本汽车出海历程,并与当前中国家电出海所经历的阶段进行对比,我们认为中国家电虽然产业环境不及当年日本汽车出海阶段,但是在供应链能力方面更强、产品力较优,二者采用的出海策略也较为相似。值得一提的是,日本汽车在经历 1970s-1990s 的出口快速扩张后,在 1990 年之后虽有波折,但依然保持了近 30 年的外销繁荣阶段,我们认为当前海运费上涨扰动仅为短期影响,中国家电凭借更强的供应链优势,出海仍是未来几十年的大趋势。
[电气机械和器材制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2024-07-30]
The airborne pods are an external pod structure primarily fabricated to offer enhanced aerial recognition, identification, communication, targeting, data linking, and self-defensive potentials to an aircraft. High-end airborne pods with a wide range of advanced sensors and laser technologies can operate in extreme weather conditions, which is also one of the prime factors boosting the application of airborne pods in advanced fighter jets, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, and helicopters. The changing modern warfare scenario has forced governments of various countries across the globe to allocate substantial funds and financial aid toward respective defense and military forces. The growing defense expenditure budget indicates the government's emphasis and importance on modernizing the defense sector to meet the mounting need for security, which is one of the major market drivers.
[仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2024-07-26]
Chillers provide cooling in residential, industrial, and commercial places. Chillers provides air conditioning in buildings with the use of chilled water. Roof top chillers usually are air cooled whereas basement chillers are water cooled. The rising humidity concerns in both developed and developing countries, and surging demand for air conditioning systems for safety and comfort are boosting developments in the Chiller market across the world. HVAC chillers are widely used across the industries such as pharmaceuticals, electronics & semiconductors, aerospace & defense, food & beverages, cold storage, turbine, and leather. Thus, increased preference for district cooling systems in industries and high-rise buildings is a major factor boosting the Chillers market growth. Moreover, rising adoption of HVAC chillers in commercial spaces and residential sector, growing disposable income and rapid pace of urbanization, and continuous proliferation of tourism industries in different regions contribute to the Chillers market growth. The construction of new hotels and public infrastructure adds to the demand for HVAC chillers.
[电气机械和器材制造业,专用设备制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2024-07-18]
特斯拉机器人手灵活度大幅度提升,量产节奏略低于预期。6 月 14 日股东大会关于机器人内容包括:(1)量:25 年进入小批量量产,预计产量为小几千台;(2)机器人手灵活度提升,预计下一代灵巧手 22 个自由度(DOF);(3)当前进度:2 个机器人在 Fremont 工厂工作;(4)后面节点:24 年底完成重大更新,25 年小批量量产,25-26 年机器人可做范围广泛的工作,远期机器人的量远超大家的预期。边际利好灵巧手产业链,量产节奏和数量略低于预期,新事物的到来是量变引起质变的过程,静待花开。