[通用设备制造业] [2022-01-03]
[通用设备制造业] [2022-01-03]
世界钢协(Worldsteel)数据显示,11 月份全球粗钢产量1.433亿吨,同比下降1575 万吨,中国产量6930 万吨,同比下降1944 万吨或22%,全球除中国以外地区产量为7395 万吨,同比增加369 万吨或5.3%,较2018 年和2019 年同期分别高出221万吨、579 万吨。
[通用设备制造业] [2021-12-22]
[通用设备制造业] [2021-12-20]
[通用设备制造业] [2021-12-20]
世界能源理事会预计,到2050 年氢能在全球终端能源消费量中的占比将达到25%。根据《中国氢能源及燃料电池产业白皮书(2020)》预测,2030年/2050 年/2060 年中国氢能需求量分别为3715 万吨/9690 万吨/1.3 亿吨。
[电气机械和器材制造业,通用设备制造业] [2021-11-25]
It is estimated that over 600 million people across the world lack access to safe water as a majority of the freshwater resources are contaminated and are unsuitable for human consumption without undergoing multiple levels of treatment at the municipal and residential levels. The delivery of the highest quality water signifies the hallmark of modern civilization, where the water treatment systems like dispensers have undergone various technological innovations in terms of filtration techniques to address modern challenges. Accordingly, the global water dispenser market is expected to pose an absolute growth of 53% in revenue terms during the forecast period, with huge growth potential in the markets of APAC, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa due to the under-penetration of water treatment systems.
[通用设备制造业] [2021-11-23]
[通用设备制造业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2021-11-22]
The air purifier market is one of the growing markets in the electronic appliances industry. The use of air purifiers is growing across countries, particularly those where the concentration of pollution is increasing. Growth in industrial activities, urbanization, traffic pollution, and emissions from factories and household activities are the major growth drivers of the air purifier market. The market is witnessing increasing demand from regions such as APAC, Europe, and North America. Some of the advantages of air purifiers include
[通用设备制造业] [2021-11-12]
2021 年11 月,沿三大板块看好我国高端制造业的发展潜力。光伏板块目前仍处于快速成长期,HJT 利好频传更是直接利好核心设备商,重点关注晶盛机电、迈为股份、金博股份、奥特维。
[通用设备制造业] [2021-11-10]