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  • 1941.积极拥抱“互联网+”:金属行业转型升级探讨

    [金属制品业,黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业,有色金属冶炼和压延加工业] [2015-11-11]

    2015 年 3 月份,“互联网+”被写入李克强总理政府工作报告,“互联网+”成为国家经济社会发展的重要战略。传统企业如何才能实现互联网化?这已成为业界共同关注的焦点问题。我国金属行业经过多年大规模扩张,在生产能力、消费规模等方面处于世界领先水平,但资源保障率低、产能过剩、产品附加值低、国际话语权小等问题越来越突出。在当前国内外宏观经济下行、金属行业运行低迷等背景下,金属企业如何借助“互联网+”转型升级将是本文要讨论的核心问题。
  • 1942.美国金属加工设备市场报告(2015-2019年)

    [金属制品、机械和设备修理业,金属制品业] [2015-10-31]

    Metal fabrication is the process of joining two or more metallic parts to form a product. The major kinds of processes and techniques available to fabricate metals are listed below.
  • 1943.全球焊材市场报告(2015-2019年)

    [金属制品业,有色金属冶炼和压延加工业,金属制品、机械和设备修理业] [2015-10-06]

    Welding is a fabrication process to agglutinate metals or thermoplastics using coalescence. The process is economical and it is an efficient method to fuse metal permanently. It finds application in a number of industries such as automotive, transportation, energy, construction, shipbuilding, mining equipment and heavy machinery, and aerospace and defense. The items used in this process are known as welding consumables, and can be broadly categorized as filler metals and flux. The metals that melt with the joining materials, and are consumed in the process are called filler metals. Flux is used to produce a gas shield around the weld pool that prevents oxidation of the hot metal.
  • 1944.用于尖晶石涂层AISI441铁素体不锈钢性能改进的表面处理

    [金属制品业,黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业] [2015-09-02]

    Ferritic stainless steels are promising candidates for IT-SOFC interconnect applications due to their low cost and resistance to oxidation at SOFC operating temperatures. However, steel candidates face several challenges, including long term oxidation under interconnect exposure conditions, which can lead to increased electrical resistance, surface instability, and poisoning of cathodes due to volatilization of Cr. To potentially extend interconnect lifetime and improve performance, a variety of surface treatments were performed on AISI 441 ferritic stainless steel coupons prior to application of a protective spinel coating. The coated coupons were then subjected to oxidation testing at 800 and 850 degrees C in air, and electrical testing at 800 deg C in air. While all of the surface-treatments resulted in improved surface stability (i.e., increased spallation resistance) compared to untreated AISI 441, the greatest degree of improvement (through 20,000 hours of testing at 800 deg C and 14,000 hours of testing at 850 deg C) was achieved by surface blasting.
  • 1945.Meoscale变形金属的统计力学建模—最终报告

    [金属制品业,黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业] [2015-09-02]

    The research under this project focused on a theoretical and computational modeling of dislocation dynamics of mesoscale deformation of metal single crystals. Specifically, the work aimed to implement a continuum statistical theory of dislocations to understand strain hardening and cell structure formation under monotonic loading. These aspects of crystal deformation are manifestations of the evolution of the underlying dislocation system under mechanical loading. The project had three research tasks: 1) Investigating the statistical characteristics of dislocation systems in deformed crystals. 2) Formulating kinetic equations of dislocations and coupling these kinetics equations and crystal mechanics. 3) Computational solution of coupled crystal mechanics and dislocation kinetics.
  • 1946.全球流体成型市场报告(2015-2019年)

    [金属制品业] [2015-08-23]

    Forming fluids are metalworking fluids used in operations that are involve changing the shape and contour of metals. Forming fluids include rolling oils, drawing and stamping compounds, forging compounds, die-casting compounds, and hydroforming fluids. The global forming fluids market is expected to witness a moderate CAGR of 2.84% for the period 2014-2019. In 2014, APAC led the market, accounting for 42.08% of the global market share, the majority of which was contributed by the primary metals segment. APAC was followed by North America and EMEA, respectively.
  • 1947.数据显示:2015年全球不锈钢粗钢产量预计将达到4220万吨

    [有色金属冶炼和压延加工业,金属制品业] [2015-08-19]

  • 1948.全球加工液市场报告(2015-2019年)

    [金属制品业,化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2015-08-15]

    Removal fluids, a type of metal working fluids, are lubricating oils that are used to lower the temperature of metallic work pieces while they are subjected to industrial processes such as machining, grinding, milling, stamping, and forging. Removal metal working fluids are added during the abovementioned and other industrial processes for reducing the heat and friction between the cutting or machining tools and the work piece and prevent burning, smoking, and damage to the tool and the work piece. These fluids help in enhancing the overall quality of the work piece by constantly removing the metal chips from the tool used and from the work piece. Removal fluids are used in various industrial and commercial sectors for applications such as fabrication of metal products, smooth working of machinery, and manufacturing of transportation equipment.
  • 1949.形势要点:中国铝业要扭亏须从战略着眼

    [金属制品业] [2015-08-13]

  • 1950.全球饮料容器市场报告(2015-2019年)

    [造纸和纸制品业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业,金属制品业] [2015-07-29]

    Beverage containers provide product support, external environment protection, and tamper resistance for beverages. Beverage containers aid in reliable distribution of beverages throughout the value chain and reduce post-production damage. The beverage container industry uses glass, rigid plastic, and metal to make beverage containers.
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