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报告分类:外文技术报告 所属行业:交通运输、仓储和邮政业

  • 51.量化联邦政策目标关于交通-住宅-能源交互的公共交通导向发展的潜在贡献

    [电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,房地产业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2014-11-07]

    The LRT system in Denver, Colorado, connects the downtown with neighborhoods to the North, but primarily stretches southwards, travelling in existing transportation corridors carrying freeways and a heavy rail system. Outside of the downtown areas, the siting of the LRT system alongside the rigid infrastructure that comprises the heavy rail system and the freeway systems severely inhibits pedestrian accessibility to the transit system. To help further understand how the level of accessibility varies across the system, a systematic pedestrian level-of-service index for each station within the system was created that takes into account the formal, as well as informal street networks. This inaccessibility is highly likely to limit the potential that this system may have to generate development near station located that is fully integrated with the LRT system. Primary data collected by surveying households across the metropolitan area revealed very little difference between car ownership rates and weekly VMT of survey respondents living within 12- mile of an LRT station and elsewhere in the metropolitan area. Differentiating between those station areas that were Park-and-Ride (that is, had a park-and-ride lot) versus Walk-and-Ride showed a more nuanced picture. Residents who live in Walk-and-Ride stations do have have lower VMT than those who live in Park-and-Ride station areas and those who do not live near an LRT station. This reinforces the fact that development needs to be more fully integrated with the LRT system in order to achieve some intended goals such as less dependence on automobiles.
  • 52.车辆实时信息汽车保险服务研究

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业,汽车制造业] [2014-11-07]

    Recently the convergence of IT Services is using much information. Fusion of vehicle information technology and IT services are developing very fast. In this paper is about car insurance service used vehicle information and user information. In this paper, the car insurance service is convergence that vehicle information and user information. We propose accident service, eco-driving service, breakdown service based on the information collected from the vehicle.
  • 53.合伙用车系统的动态车辆分配管理

    [交通运输、仓储和邮政业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2014-11-07]

    Carsharing allows members to benefit from private vehicle use without the costs and responsibilities of ownership and provides individuals with access to a fleet of shared-use vehicles in a network of locations on a short-term, as-needed basis. This paper seeks to develop a stochastic optimization framework to address the dynamic vehicle allocation problem for carsharing systems, in which the service operator needs to manage and determine the optimal vehicle allocation in both time and space to maximize profits. A multistage stochastic linear programming model with recourse, which can account for system uncertainties such as car-sharing demand variation, is formulated and solved. Numerical results are discussed and computational insights are presented on the basis of a seven-stage experimental network pilot study.
  • 54.机场航空特别活动——机场综合实践

    [交通运输、仓储和邮政业,铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2014-11-07]

    These events are designed to (1) enhance public awareness of the airport; (2) stimulate interest in and growth of the airport and aviation; (3) foster community support; (4) provide community benefits; and (5) possibly generate revenue for the airport or community/ charitable organization. Aeronautical special events include air shows, fly-ins, airport open houses (if aircraft are on display), aircraft static display, EAA Young Eagles or Eagle Flight events, or community appreciation events involving aircraft. Nonaeronautical events, such as car shows, 5K or 10K runs, concerts, terminal dedications, or pancake breakfasts with no fly-in component, have similar requirements for planning and organizing; however, only aeronautical events and the unique considerations involved are addressed in this report. Although these events can provide tremendous benefits for the airport and the local community, they require extensive planning, frequently commencing a year or more in advance of the event.
  • 55.基于旅游的使用汽车买卖的家庭的公共交通模型的家庭内部相互作用

    [交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2014-11-07]

    Intrahousehold interactions in travel are fundamental to an understanding of activity travel behavior, as reflected by the substantial percentage of regional travel that is made jointly. The development of travel demand models that incorporate intrahousehold interactions is crucial to a credible analysis of traveler response to policies. A tour-based modeling framework is used to examine intrahousehold interactions in travel mode choice with a focus on public transport use in households having differences in car availability. An important distinction is made between car-sufficient households (in which there are at least as many cars in the household as license holders) and car-negotiating households (households that have fewer cars than license holders). Intrahousehold interactions and temporal-spatial constraints are explicitly represented by different patterns of joint household tours, with home-based tours as the unit of analysis. The empirical analysis is based on a nested logit model that was developed to integrate intrahousehold interactions with tour-based mode choices; Sydney Household Travel Survey data are used. The results show that joint household travel accounts for more than half of weekday home-based tours in Sydney, Australia. The arrangement of joint household tours is shown to depend on household context, situational factors, and social constraints. Mode choice associated with different joint tour patterns is influenced by household and individual characteristics, tour attributes, and transport-related fringe benefits.
  • 56.车辆密度规模程度的建模和描述

    [交通运输、仓储和邮政业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2014-11-07]

    Future vehicular networks shall enable new classes of services and applications for car-to-car and car-to-roadside communication. The underlying vehicular mobility patterns significantly impact the operation and effectiveness of these services, and hence it is essential to model and characterize such patterns. In this paper, we examine the mobility of vehicles as a function of traffic density of more than 800 locations from six major metropolitan regions around the world. The traffic densities are generated from more than 25 million images and processed using background subtraction algorithm. The resulting vehicular density time series and distributions are then analyzed. It is found using the goodness-of-fit test that the vehicular density distribution follows heavy-tail distributions such as Log-gamma, Loglogistic, and Weibull in over 90of these locations. Moreover, a heavy-tail gives rise to long-range dependence and self-similarity, which we studied by estimating the Hurst exponent (H).
  • 57.2013年合伙用车、需求管理和停车——交通研究记录

    [交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2014-11-05]

    This document contains 10 papers that address parking patrol surveys; smart parking systems; parking at sporting event stadiums; parking utilization in neighborhood shopping centers on transit routes; and cost-effectiveness of traffic and demand management measures. This TRR also examines dynamic ridesharing systems; dynamic vehicle allocation for carsharing systems; travel behavior of carsharing members; residential on-site carsharing and off-street parking in the San Francisco Bay Area; and the effect of carshares on travel behavior.
  • 58.合伙用车对旅游行为影响的定性见解

    [住宿和餐饮业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2014-11-05]

    Carsharing organizations (carshares) provide collectively available vehicles that can be booked for exclusive use on a pay-as-you-go basis. Previous research has shown that two groups join carshares: (a) acces-sors, who do not have a car when they join the carshare and therefore gain access to one, and (b) shedders, who give up a car when they join the carshare. The paper examines the circumstances and motivations that cause accessors and shedders to join a carshare, the changes in their travel behavior in the short and longer run, and how the travel behavior might have changed if the carshare had not been joined. These objectives were achieved through in-depth interviews with 16 members of a carshare in Bath, United Kingdom. The interviewed members were selected to achieve a mix of accessors, shedders, recent members, and longstanding members. It was found that carshare attracted people who were already contemplating giving up their cars or who had been triggered by life events to consider giving up their cars. Joining a car-share prevented the acquisition of cars for some members, but some subsequently took opportunities to acquire a car as their circumstances changed. Once shedders became members, they adapted to managing without a personal car, used a variety of transport modes, planned their activity-travel schedules in advance, and took into account the costs and convenience of different options. The increasing popularity of new mobility options, such as carsharing, also has implications for the methods used to analyze and model travel behavior. The option of joining a carshare and using carshare vehicles should be included in transport models for areas in which carshares operate.
  • 59.佛罗里达长途旅行交通系统特点及其潜在影响

    [交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2014-11-05]

    The overall goal of this project is to enhance the fundamental understanding of Florida long-distance travel characteristics, and to provide policy implications for long-distance transportation planning in the future. To achieve the research goal, this study first conducts a descriptive analysis of long-distance travel with special emphasis on the modes used, distance traveled, and origins and destinations. Then, this study estimates mode choice models for long-distance travel that are sensitive to alternative specific attributes and traveler characteristics. It is important to have appropriate models that are able to provide accurate predictions of travelers mode choice behavior that consider how people choose one mode or another. The descriptive analysis shows that nearly 90 percent of trips are made by personal passenger cars, and most are on I-4, I-95, and Turnpike corridors that connect the Tampa, Orlando, and Miami/Fort Lauderdale urbanized areas as defined by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Among MSAs in Florida, Orlando is the hub for long-distance travel. The estimated model shows that both travel time and travel cost decrease car users utility, indicating that people will have a greater chance to shift to other modes as travel time and travel costs increase. In contrast, air travel has a positive sign for travel time, and a negative sign for travel cost, while bus has a negative coefficient for travel time and a positive sign for travel cost. Positive signs of these estimated parameters may imply that air travelers and bus users are willing to increase travel time and travel cost, respectively.
  • 60.佛蒙特州的流亡者和交通:基于性别、年龄和运输层次结构的交通行为和关键问题

    [交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2014-11-05]

    This study examines the travel behaviour and attitudes of recently resettled refugees in Chittenden County, Vermont, with particular attention to distinctions based on gender and age. It is based on an earlier project conducted between 2008-2012 that examined transportation practices amongst recently arrived refugees in Vermont as a generalized group. One of the findings from that initial study was that more in-depth research was necessary in order to understand the ways in which mobility and access to transportation impact specific parts of the refugee population, especially women, children and the elderly. Drawing on qualitative research methods using techniques such as interviews, focus groups, and surveys, this current study examines what kinds of possibilities and various exist to full mobility for these sub sets of the refugee population. In addition one of the key goals of this project was to examine what particular mode choices were favored by refugees both within the larger community but also within these subgroups of the population. The study found that there are indeed some significant differences based on age and gender of travel patterns, choices and options for men, women and seniors in the newly resettled refugee communities. In particular while both women and the elderly within refugee families often had nominal access to a car, very few had driver's licenses and most described a dynamic where male family members were the primary (or only) drivers. Women and the elderly also showed greater levels of willingness to embrace alternative modes of travel, especially walking and using transit than the general male refugee population. However, both groups echoed the sense within the refugee community as a whole that private vehicle ownership was an important component of a successful acculturation experience. They explained this due to the greater levels of independence, flexibility, and self-sufficiency that cars provided in their lives.
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