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  • 5591.高度参数化反演的方法:TSPROC,一般的时间序列处理器来协助模型校准和结果总结

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-22]

    The TSPROC (Time Series PROCessor) computer soft-ware uses a simple scripting language to process and analyze time series. It was developed primarily to assist in the calibra-tion of environmental models. The software is designed to perform calculations on time-series data commonly associated with surface-water models, including calculation of flow vol-umes, transformation by means of basic arithmetic operations, and generation of seasonal and annual statistics and hydro-logic indices. TSPROC can also be used to generate some of the key input files required to perform parameter optimization by means of the PEST (Parameter ESTimation) computer soft-ware. Through the use of TSPROC, the objective function for use in the model-calibration process can be focused on specific components of a hydrograph.
  • 5592.为空间应用提供的可重构的并行计算机体系结构

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-10-22]

    In this report, we are providing a summary of the two main efforts: (i) the work done on the AFRL-UNM High-End Reconfigurable Computer (HERC), and (ii) the Adaptive Wiring Panel (AWP). The AFRL-UNM High-End Reconfigurable Computer (HERC) is a new multiprocessor architecture for use in high-performance on-board space applications. This architecture was developed to have modular and compact basic processing nodes, interconnected by high-speed communications links that aggressively embed most of their components in Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). We also present an approach for developing the concept of a manifold of adaptive wiring cells connected as a single overall Adaptive Wiring Panel (AWP). The main use of the AWP is related to affordable plug-and-play space applications but the concept can be used for different applications. A reconfigurable switch fabric enables dynamic routing of signals and power for space systems.
  • 5593.计算机显微镜:纳米尺度上的麦克斯韦方程组三维全矢量解的图像合成

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-10-22]

    Optical imaging systems have traditionally been analyzed using well-established approximations such as ray-based geometrical optics (Born & Wolf, 1999) and scalar Fourier theory (Goodman, 1996). However, there has recently been increased interest in applying the rigorous framework of Maxwell's-equations-based electromagnetic theory and numerical modeling to the analysis of optical imaging systems. The availability of more powerful computer hardware and more efficient computational algorithms has obviously contributed to this interest. Although the basic principles of light scattering encoded in Maxwell's equations had been around for decades, the widespread application of these principles to the complete modeling of an optical imaging system had to wait until the 1990s, at which time the personal computers were getting powerful enough to process megabytes of data in their memory.
  • 5594.借助专业的网络服务的802.11/abgn计算机网络计划

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-10-22]

    The chapter presents a systematic, computer aided method supporting network planning for interior wireless networks based on IEEE 802.11 standards family. Detailed specification of features and functionalities of the proposed network planning tool available as a web service is provided together with directions of its possible expansion. Description of the service is proceeded by critical evaluation of existing commercial and noncommercial software tools for network planning.
  • 5595.阿努比斯——加快计算机辅助翻译

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-10-22]

    In this paper, the idea of Computer-Aided Translation is first introduced and a modern approach to CAT is then presented. Next, we provide a more detailed description of one of the state-of-art CAT systems - memoQ. Then, the author's approach to the idea - the Anubis system - is described and evaluated. While Anubis is comparable to memoQ in terms of the precision of provided translation memory matches, it outperforms memoQ when it comes to the speed of searching the translation memory. In the experiments carried out, Anubis turned out to be over 430faster than memoQ. The result was achieved thanks to the author's algorithm of minimizing the size of translation memory index, so it can be stored in computer's RAM memory. The paper is divided in two parts: the first describes the field of CAT, where the Anubis system can be applied. The second gives a detailed description of Anubis itself, proving its potential usefulness.
  • 5596.基于SSVEP的脑-机接口:VEPs光谱特征的刺激参数的作用

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-10-22]

    It is demonstrated that spectral characteristics of steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs) in a brain-computer interface (SSVEP-based BCI) depend significantly on the stimulus parameters, such as color and frequency of its flashing light. We postulate these dependencies can be used to improve the BCI performance - by proper design, configuration and adjustment of the visual stimulator. Preliminary results of conducted experiments show also that SSVEP characteristics are strongly affected by subjects biodiversity.
  • 5597.2012攻击波模拟的三维计算机图形联合

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-10-22]

    The Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) Smackdown is a two-year old annual event held at the 2012 Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop (SIW). A primary objective of the Smackdown event is to provide college students with hands-on experience in developing distributed simulations using High Level Architecture (HLA). Participating for the second time, the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAHuntsville) deployed four federates, two federates simulated a communications server and a lunar communications satellite with a radio. The other two federates generated 3D computer graphics displays for the communication satellite constellation and for the surface based lunar resupply mission. Using the Light-Weight Java Graphics Library, the satellite display federate presented a lunar-texture mapped sphere of the moon and four Telemetry Data Relay Satellites (TDRS), which received object attributes from the lunar communications satellite federate to drive their motion. The surface mission display federate was an enhanced version of the federate developed by ForwardSim, Inc. for the 2011 Smackdown simulation. Enhancements included a dead-reckoning algorithm and a visual indication of which communication satellite was in line of sight of Hadley Rille. This paper concentrates on these two federates by describing the functions, algorithms, HLA object attributes received from other federates, development experiences and recommendations for future, participating Smackdown teams.
  • 5598.对学生的手写考试数据进行建模及其应用于平板电脑

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-22]

    In this work, we propose a model of students' examination data which can contain timestamp and handwriting information using a tablet computer. Stored data is consumed by students' achievement recording software so that both teachers and students can trace their records at any time. The handwriting data in this work can be expressed as XML description so that other applications can use the data easily. The scope of this work is limited to store students' examination information so that it is recommended to be combined with students' profile or other valuable data. Inside the data, this work treats the examination information, question information, students' response time of each question, and moreover, students' behavioral factors including page navigation, removal and writing activities. With the students' behavioral data, a visualization software can give user to suppose the student's activity easily and vividly. In this work, we describes an example of visualization software which allows user to review recorded secondary students' mathematics examination. Not only score-based assessment, our work may contribute to improve student's assessment and feedback with various educational insights.
  • 5599.利用计算机图形、视觉和手势识别工具来构建交互式系统以支持儿童的治疗

    [专用设备制造业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-22]

    The paper presents a prototype of a system which can be used as a therapeutic and educational tool for children with developmental problems. Natural body movements and gestures are used in the system to interact with virtual objects displayed on the screen. Nowadays such systems can be built with the use of widely available free software tools for both graphical and vision applications. Such tools are also shortly presented in the paper.
  • 5600.人机界面设计

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-10-22]

    1. Understand the role that the computer interface plays in high-quality and successful software systems 2. Describe how to address interface design and evaluation within the software development life cycle 3. Provide usable guidance for evaluating designs.
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