Approaches in Highly Parameterized Inversion: TSPROC, a General Time-Series Processor to Assist in Model Calibration and Results Summarization
摘 要:The TSPROC (Time Series PROCessor) computer soft-ware uses a simple scripting language to process and analyze time series. It was developed primarily to assist in the calibra-tion of environmental models. The software is designed to perform calculations on time-series data commonly associated with surface-water models, including calculation of flow vol-umes, transformation by means of basic arithmetic operations, and generation of seasonal and annual statistics and hydro-logic indices. TSPROC can also be used to generate some of the key input files required to perform parameter optimization by means of the PEST (Parameter ESTimation) computer soft-ware. Through the use of TSPROC, the objective function for use in the model-calibration process can be focused on specific components of a hydrograph.