[金融业] [2017-03-03]
全市场人民币理财产品预期收益率:二月第四周各期限预期年化收益率分别为:1 周 3.53%,2 周 3.55%,1 个月 4.16%,2 个月 4.18%,3 个月 4.25%, 4 个月 4.28%,6 个月 4.28%,9 个月 4.15%,1 年期 4.26%。相较于上周,本周理财产品预期收益率 2 周、1 个月、2 个月、4 个月、6 个月、9 个月、 1 年上涨,预期收益率 1 周下跌,预期收益率 3 个月持平。
[房地产业] [2017-02-15]
[金融业] [2017-01-21]
The global gambling market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.91% in the forecast period. The burgeoning middle class population and their growing disposable income are the major factors driving the growth of the market. This increase in demand for the overall gambling games is leading to an increase in the construction and opening of new casino centres across the world. For example, the Marina Bay Sands, which opened in April 2010, generated a revenue of $1.06 billion by 2010 from casino and more than $2.3 billion by 2015.
[金融业] [2017-01-18]
Micro-insurance products are coverage policies targeted at households with low income levels. Micro-insurance plans provide tailored insurance coverage policies for individuals with little or low saving plans. Such policies provide lower value assets and compensation for injury, illness, or death to an individual than in other insurance policies. Micro-insurance companies assist poor families by offering customized insurance plans to meet the specific needs of the customers. The value of the coverage policy is lower compared to other insurance plans because of which the policyholder pays smaller premiums to the insurance company than in the case of a usual plan. The micro-insurance market is stronger in developing countries which offer high growth opportunities for the insurance industry
[金融业] [2017-01-18]
Trade financing is when finance is made available by banks to various trading companies to perform cross-border transactions. It also acts as an engine that drives the growth of a country's GDP. When a country produces goods or services, it exports some of those goods and services to other countries. However, there is a time lag between the production and delivery time required for the consignment to reach the importing country. So, there is a certain degree of uncertainty about whether the parties will honor their part of the transaction. Hence, the importing country appoints a bank to issue a financial instrument that promises to make the payment to the exporting country upon the successful delivery of the consignment to the importing country.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2016-12-28]
在我国三大运营商中,中国联通面临的发展压力从来没有像今天这样沉重,为了寻求突围,中国联通在过去8 个月时间里,从供给侧实施了多项改革政策,这些政策的基本逻辑是什么,短期效果如何以及所带来的长期后果又有哪些?笔者试对这三个问题做粗浅的梳理。
[房地产业] [2016-12-27]
[汽车制造业] [2016-12-26]
[计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2016-09-27]
2016 年9 月15 日22 时04 分,搭载着天宫二号空间实验室的长征二号F T2 运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心点火发射。约575 秒后,天宫二号与火箭成功分离,进入预定轨道,发射取得圆满成功,这标志着中国航天事业向前迈进了一大步,中国再次在全世界面前展示出“太空强国”的实力。
[租赁和商务服务业,金融业] [2016-09-02]