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  • 21.农业行业:通胀预期渐起,优选种植产业链标的

    [农、林、牧、渔业] [2017-10-20]

    2016年行业盈利能力的提高,主要是受益于农产品 价格的上涨。 ➢ 猪价上涨带动畜禽养殖产业链进入景气高点,养 殖、饲料、动保盈利高增长。大宗农产品价格的上涨,使得农产品加工企业的 盈利能力大幅好转。随着农产品价格的进入下降趋势,各子行业的盈利 增速也将开始下滑

  • 22.全球锁市场报告(2017-2021年)

    [专用设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2017-08-27]

    The global lock market covers the safety and security aspects of residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. Locks are offered in mechanical and electronical forms. The global lock market has been witnessing growth across regions due to increasing awareness about high-tech security systems among various end-users. Also, the deployment of smart solutions in developed and developing economies is driving the growth of the global lock market. Increasing security concerns across regions is driving the need for the installation of high-security locking systems in residential and commercial spaces. With the changing technology, vendors offer locks with highly sophisticated security systems. Electronic locking systems are high-tech offerings. Electronic locks are loaded with high-tech features that are integrated electronically to create smart systems.

    关键词:全球锁市场;住宅; 商业;工业空间;锁具;提供机械;电子形式;高科技安全体系
  • 23.国防军工行业:维持前期观点,行情以主题性为主-2017年第30周观点周报

    [公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2017-07-29]


  • 24.轻工制造业:纸价上涨强化中报向好预期,关注滞涨二线品种

    [造纸和纸制品业] [2017-07-19]


    本轮造纸板块上涨核心在于纸企中报向好预期推动,在经济失速风险 下降、流动性压力缓解及监管节奏略缓背景下,板块整体跟随周期股反弹。 排污许可证制度落地、进口废物利用企业专项检查等加码环保趋严,板块 上涨效应本周(文内“本周”均指 7 月 3 日至 7 日)带动非龙头标普涨, 滞涨品种启动验证我们此前观点。包装纸受成本推动价格维持上涨趋势, 文化纸环比持平,行业龙头有望持续受益于排污许可证落地等环保政策。

  • 25.机械行业:催化事件将集中释放,核电迎来投资良机

    [电气机械和器材制造业] [2017-06-28]

     “十三五”期间我国核电计划投产约 3000 万千瓦、开工 3000 万千瓦,到 2020 年总装机将达到 5800 万千瓦。由于 2016 年我国核电是零核准,新开工也是零,因此在“十三 五”中后期核电发展尤为紧迫。截止到 2017 年 5 月我国投 入商运的核电机组总共是 36 台,总装机容量为 3264 万千 瓦。如果需要完成“十三五”核电发展目标,那么在剩下 的三年半时间内需要投入商运机组需要达到 26 台机组,新 开工需要达到 30 台机组。如国内首台三代核电机组在 2017 年顺利投入商运,国内核电投资有望在“十三五”中后期 集中释放,平均每年投资额约为 1200 亿元。而 2016 年, 我国核电总投资额仅为 506 亿元,国内核电投资潜力巨大。

  • 26.使用HTTP连接图和流信息检测ISP网络的恶意客户

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2015-10-01]

    This paper considers an approach to identify previously undetected malicious clients in Internet Service Provider (ISP) networks by combining flow classification with a graph-based score propagation method. Our approach represents all HTTP communications between clients and servers as a weighted, near-bipartite graph, where the nodes correspond to the IP addresses of clients and servers while the links are their interconnections, weighted according to the output of a flow-based classifier. We employ a two-phase alternating score propagation algorithm on the graph to identify suspicious clients in a monitored network. Using a symmetrized weighted adjacency matrix as its input, we show that our algorithm is less vulnerable towards inflating the malicious scores of popular Web servers with high in-degrees compared to the normalization used in PageRank. Experimental results on a 4-hour network trace collected by a large Internet service provider showed that incorporating flow information into score propagation significantly improves the precision of the algorithm.
  • 27.低电压的Si-Ge光电二级管

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2015-10-01]

    Here we report a Si-Ge avalanche photodiode (APD) with a breakdown voltage of only -10V. The highest measured bandwidth is 15.8GHz for a 20μm diameter device. A bandwidth of 13.2 GHz at gain of 22.2 is obtained for the same device, giving a 290GHz gain-bandwidth product at 1550nm wavelength. 
  • 28.高速混合硅微型环激光

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2015-10-01]

    We report on low power consumption, high direct modulation speed performance of compact hybrid silicon microring lasers. By integrating a novel thermal shunt, device joule heating is significantly reduced, leading to low threshold, high continuous wave (cw) lasing temperature as high as 105 degC.
  • 29.接近实时分析的大规模动态图系统

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2015-10-01]

    Graphs are widespread data structures used to model a wide variety of problems. The sheer amount of data to be processed has prompted the creation of a myriad of systems that help us cope with massive scale graphs. The pressure to deliver fast responses to queries on the graph is higher than ever before, as it is demanded by many applications (e.g. online recommendations, auctions, terrorism protection, etc.). In addition, graphs change continuously (so do the real world entities that typically represent). Systems must be ready for both: near real-time and dynamic masive graphs. We survey systems taking their scalability, real-time potential and capability to support dynamic changes to the graph as driving guidelines. The main techniques and limitations are distilled and categorised. The algorithms run on top of graph systems are not ready for prime time dynamism either. Therefore, a short overview on dynamic graph algorithms has also been included. 
  • 30.高温混合硅微型环激光热分流术

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2015-10-01]

    A hybrid silicon micro-ring laser is a good candidate as light source for low cost and low power consumption data links [1]. However, thermal issues are one of major obstacles to achieve higher energy efficiency and higher integration density. The thick buried oxide (BOX) layer in silicon on insulator (SOI) has a poor thermal conductivity and blocks the heat dissipating into the heat sink. Furthermore ring lasers have a higher thermal impedance due to their small footprint, which makes the performance degrade rapidly at high temperatures [2]. In previous work we reduced device heating with a metal thermal shunt design [3]. In this paper we investigate better thermal management of hybrid silicon ring lasers with an optimized thermal shunt structure.
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