[其他制造业] [2022-06-23]
2022 年5 月,印度培育钻石进口端渗透率为7.12%,同比+0.10pct;出口端渗透率为7.82%,同比+4.24pct。据Tenoris 数据,美国市场5 月的钻石珠宝销售件数同比下降了24%。但美国消费者对培育钻石的消费增长了32.7%,销售件数上看培育钻渗透率提升至15.2%;同时消费者对大克拉产品(1.00-1.04ct)的关注度提升,从“买同样的钻石,花更少的钱”向“花同样的钱,买更大的钻石”转变。
[其他制造业] [2022-06-21]
[其他制造业] [2022-06-10]
5 月份,国内高纯氢市场价格基本持稳于4 月份,仅浙江省部分区域因疫情交通受限,上海和江苏地区的氢气无法流通至浙江,导致实单价格小幅上行0.1 元/方左右,长约订单依旧稳定。市场成交方面依旧表现平淡,新投产装置保持低位开工。
[汽车制造业,其他制造业,采矿业] [2022-06-01]
[其他制造业,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2022-05-29]
Battery materials consist of all the materials used in producing battery packs, mainly from lithium, cobalt, and nickel. For the purpose of analysis, the battery materials market is studied on the basis of battery type, application and region. The growth drivers, restraints, and opportunities are explained in the report to better understand the market dynamics. This report further highlights the key areas of investment. In addition, it includes Porter’s five forces analysis to understand the competitive scenario of the industry and role of each stakeholder. The report features the strategies adopted by key market players to maintain their foothold in the market. Furthermore, it highlights the competitive landscape of the key players to increase their market share and sustain intense competition in the industry.
[其他制造业,铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2022-05-23]
Shade sails are a cover made from durable outdoor fabric that delivers protection from the sun. They use a flexible membrane tensioned between several anchor points. Shade sails are affordable as well as easy to install. In addition, it provides an appealing look to houses, heritage buildings, commercial as well as industrial areas. Shade sails come in several shapes, sizes, and colors as per individual requirements. Most of the shade sails block 90−95% of the UV rays. Depending on the shade material weight color and the tightness of the weave, there are some variations in UV absorption. However, the differences are usually less than 5%. For maximum sun protection, heavier fabric with a tighter weave and darker colors is preferred as the darker colors usually block most of the UV rays.
[其他制造业] [2022-05-18]
[其他制造业] [2022-05-17]
[文化、体育和娱乐业,其他制造业] [2022-05-11]
[其他制造业] [2022-04-27]