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  • 1901.全球半导体激光治疗市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [仪器仪表制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,医药制造业] [2016-10-26]

    Medical lasers use focused light sources with precision to treat tissue. A laser light has a specific wavelength in a narrow beam, creating a high-intensity light. The use of lasers in the healthcare sector has proved to be a boon for both the semiconductor and medical industries. Lasers are used in medical treatment areas such as cosmetic dermatology for skin resurfacing, scar revision, tattoo removal, and laser hair removal; lithotripsy; ophthalmology; cancer treatment; dermatology; and general surgery for tissues.

  • 1902.全球仪表变压器市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2016-10-26]

    Instrument transformers find application in AC systems where they are used to measure electrical quantities such as current, power, voltage, power factor, frequency, and energy. These devices are often used with protective relays incorporated into the network in the interests of protecting the electrical system.

  • 1903.全球磁场传感器市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [电气机械和器材制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2016-10-22]

    Magnetic field sensors are devices used to sense and study the magnetic field around electrical devices, permanent magnets, and coils. These sensors are made of rotating sensor tip that measures transverse and longitudinal magnetic fields. Traditional magnetic field sensors facilitated navigation on oceans by sensing the magnetic poles of the Earth. Since then, the application of magnetic sensors has expanded to industrial use, for the detection of a magnetic field's strength, presence, and direction from soft magnets, permanent magnets, brain wave activity, vehicle disturbances, and fields generated from electric currents. Magnetic sensors are the primary navigation means for industrial control systems. The increasing demand for compact size, improved sensitivity, and compatibility to control systems has driven the need for magnetic field sensing technology.

  • 1904.全球发光二极管封装设备市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [电气机械和器材制造业,仪器仪表制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2016-10-11]

    The numerous benefits of LED lights have aided their growth traction among endusers. They are preferred over incandescent bulbs and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) as they are energy efficient (they consume almost 75% less energy than other bulbs) and have a long lifespan (which is pegged at 60,000 hours, compared to 1,500 hours of incandescent bulbs and 8,000 hours of CFLs). These features are the main reasons for the continued growth of LED lights, which are also known as green lighting systems.

  • 1905.全球心肺机市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [医药制造业,专用设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2016-10-10]

    According to WHO, around 17.5 million people died due to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) worldwide in 2012. As per the studies conducted by the American Heart Association (AHA) in 2014, deaths due to CVDs are likely to reach 24 million by 2030. CVDs include disorders associated with heart and blood vessels. Coronary heart disease is a condition in which sufficient amount of blood is not supplied to the heart due to blockage in blood vessels. Congenital heart disease is a type of CVD wherein the structure of the heart is abnormal by birth.

  • 1906.扬杰科技(300373)-分立器件盈利龙头,内生外延双线成长

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2016-09-29]

    分立器件是半导体的重要分支,2015 年全球分立器件销售额达607 亿美元,占半导体份额约18%。而功率器件是分立器件的重要部分,纯电动汽车半导体元器件用量达到673 美元,较于传统汽车增加了127%。而其中功率器件占到新能源汽车中半导体用量的50%。由于新能源汽车等新兴需求的驱动,正迎来发展的黄金时期,百亿空间可期。且半导体中,功率器件对先进制程的依赖度较低,该领域大陆与全球的差距较小,易于实现赶超。

  • 1907.电子元件行业:天宫二号成功发射,空天技术备受瞩目-周报

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2016-09-27]

    2016 年9 月15 日22 时04 分,搭载着天宫二号空间实验室的长征二号F T2 运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心点火发射。约575 秒后,天宫二号与火箭成功分离,进入预定轨道,发射取得圆满成功,这标志着中国航天事业向前迈进了一大步,中国再次在全世界面前展示出“太空强国”的实力。

  • 1908.艾派克(002180)-收购与国产化替代力促打印机业务大发展-公司深度研究

    [仪器仪表制造业] [2016-09-24]

    全球打印设备市场近几年的增长连续低迷,2015 年出货量约为 1.04 亿台,比 2014 年微跌 1%。预计未来全球仍将保持小幅微跌的状态。而中国打印机市场连续三年规模呈逐年上升之势, 2014 年达 505.24 亿元,年复合增长率 9.28%,市场表现良性,而耗材市场如出一辙。激光打印机是未来主要增量产品:在成本控制需求提升的背景下,激光复合打印机需求逆势上涨, 2015 年全球激光复合一体机出货量约为 2000 万台,未来四年激光复合一体机的复合年均增长率约为 4.9%。

  • 1909.全球卫星转发器市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2016-09-23]

    Transponders receive an electromagnetic or radiofrequency signal from the Earth, amplify it, and send it back to Earth. Transponders are designed to exhibit various functionalities and they work based on a particular frequency band like C, Ku, and Ka. Depending on the signal strength and encoding/decoding techniques used for transmission and reception, a transponder can change the frequency, polarization, and modulation technique for signal regeneration, amplification, and retransmission back to Earth. The speed and centrifugal force of the satellite depend on the distance from the Earth's orbit. The speed and the gravitational pull of the satellite orbiting closer to Earth are higher than the ones that are orbiting farther. Different satellites placed in different orbits require transponders as per their band spectrum such as C, Ku, and Ka, for various communication and broadcasting purposes.

  • 1910.全球摩托车自适应巡航控制市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [汽车制造业,仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2016-09-23]

    Motorcycle adaptive cruise control mechanisms are electronic components that monitor motorcycle speed by controlling engine RPM to maintain a constant set speed. The adaptive cruise control is made up of three main components: servo unit, throttle cable, and the associated wiring. An adaptive cruise control uses the speed signal from vehicle speed sensor in case of electronic speedometers, or monitor engine RPM through electrical connections made to the ignition coil. When adaptive cruise control is engaged by pressing the “set” button at a desired speed, it will set that speed such that the motorcycle will travel at the set speed consistently, until the adaptive cruise control mechanism is disengaged. Adaptive cruise control can be disengaged both automatically and manually. The mechanism disengages automatically when front or rear brakes are applied, or when the clutch is disengaged by the rider. The control can be manually disengaged by simply turning off the switch. The consistent speed allows the engine to burn fuel efficiently and gives the rider comfort and control over set speed limits.

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