[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,采矿业] [2023-12-15]
[采矿业,金属制品业] [2023-12-12]
[采矿业,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2023-12-12]
[采矿业] [2023-12-07]
行业基本面观察:供应增速放缓,价格中枢企稳回升。供给端,国内煤 炭生产仍处于保供阶段,1-9 月产量同比+3.81%。但受安监影响,Q3 产量前 低后高,总量环比减少。进口方面,海外能源价格高位波动,叠加进口贸易 价差低位,煤炭进口增幅也继续回落,1-9 月煤炭进口同比+73.10%,但10 月环比9 月降低14.59%。需求端,随着7 月以来存款利率下调、存量房贷利 率下调,地产政策边际改善及专项债加速等影响,地产投资边际改善,叠加 4 季度供暖需求,预计煤炭价格中枢将较Q3 提高。
[采矿业] [2023-12-06]
[采矿业] [2023-12-05]
[采矿业] [2023-12-04]
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,采矿业] [2023-12-04]
[采矿业] [2023-11-28]
Mexico’s mining industry must consider the multiple challenges it faced in 2021 if it wants to have a better 2022. Experts believe the sector will perform better as new projects are expected to start commercial production and more states attract investors. However, most challenges, especially the electricity reform, will remain.
[采矿业,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2023-11-28]