[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,租赁和商务服务业] [2022-05-17]
[租赁和商务服务业] [2022-05-17]
[租赁和商务服务业,公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2022-05-17]
[租赁和商务服务业,公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2022-05-12]
[租赁和商务服务业] [2022-05-12]
[租赁和商务服务业,住宿和餐饮业] [2022-05-08]
[租赁和商务服务业] [2022-05-08]
国家药监局化妆品原料备案显示水解透明质酸锌(备案号: 国妆原备字20220008)新原料备案成功,水解透明质酸锌兼具HA 和锌的功效,具有保湿和保护皮肤的作用,可用于面膜、精华、膏霜、牙膏、漱口水、洗发水等个人护理品。受全球疫情反复、能源危机和国际航运受阻等影响,去年以来,棕榈油类原料价格就屡创新高,也推高了相关企业的成本压力。为应对供应短缺,全球最大的棕榈油生产国和出口国——印度尼西将于4 月28 日暂停棕榈油及相关原料出口。
[租赁和商务服务业,金融业] [2022-04-30]
Commercial insurance is a type of insurance policy designed to protect businesses. It offers coverage against the loss arising out of damage to the property, injury to the employees, employer’s liability, and others. It also provides coverages for various industrial sectors including construction, manufacturing, telecom, textiles, logistics, and others. Commercial insurance aims at offering a safety & security for business operations & assets, reputation, wellbeing & financial situation of a business entity, and for the employees working for the business.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,租赁和商务服务业] [2022-04-30]
When one company failed, it joined the other to accelerate the development and manufacture of a successful vaccine. Governments, retail pharmacies, health systems, payers, and nonprofits are working together to provide widespread distribution and administration.
[租赁和商务服务业,公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2022-04-27]