[专用设备制造业] [2022-01-26]
[专用设备制造业] [2022-01-26]
[专用设备制造业] [2022-01-25]
[铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业,专用设备制造业,汽车制造业] [2022-01-21]
Market players and researchers across the globe are finding ways in which new technologies such as superior sensors and AI can revolutionize the motorbikes. Autonomous bikes are the self-balancing vehicles, powered by cutting-edge technologies, which assist the bike to navigate its journey by taking appropriate actions according to the parameters detected by the sensors. The shift in the direction of making motor bikes and scooters smarter is analogous to the way advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) have advanced in cars over the passage of time.
[专用设备制造业] [2022-01-19]
2021 年12 月中央经济工作会议定调“稳增长”,从各地已出炉的政府工作报告以及各地发改委公布的2022 年工作计划来看,积极推进项目开工建设,确保一季度投资实现“开门红”成为重点任务。
[专用设备制造业] [2022-01-17]
2022 年1 月8 日航发动力发布《2022 年度与实际控制人及其关联方之持续性关联交易公告》,2022向航空工业集团系统内单位销售商品预计金额是180 亿元;2021 年公告额(预计金额)是151.9亿元,实际完成金额是140.6 亿元(同比增长41.17%)。2022 预计金额同比2021 公告额、2021 实际发生金额分别同比增长18.5%、28.1%。
[专用设备制造业] [2022-01-16]
随着新医改的推进,一些政策如统一耗材编码、耗材集采、DRG/DIP 医保付费等对医疗器械行业无论是监管还是经营上都产生了深远影响,并重构了医疗器械厂商产品格局,改变了未来发展策略。国内厂商紧跟国家医改步伐,寻找确定性赛道,积极推进技术升级、创新迭代、国产替代,并积极寻求出海机遇。
[铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业,专用设备制造业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业,公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2022-01-13]
[仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业,专用设备制造业] [2021-12-31]
The Power System Simulator market and its demand is increasing and growing on a regular basis all over the world. Relatively the growth is seen on the higher side in the Asia Pacific countries and in US due to new technological advancements being implemented. Adoption of IoT and Cloud Platform are considered to be the top most priority for the marketers creating a strong demand. Power system simulator is a kind of software that is utilized by engineers for simulation of power transmission networks under steady-state conditions and over period ranging from few seconds to many seconds. Apparently, the software is used for long-term power generation and power transmission expansion planning. In addition to this. The simulation system provides detailed perspective of the project time and saves a cost of implementation on a longer run.
[仪器仪表制造业,专用设备制造业] [2021-12-29]
One-way valves are made from materials such as brass, stainless steel, carbon steel, and others, and are used in industries such oil & gas, power, chemicals, water & wastewater, pharmaceutical, and others. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global one-way valve market based on type, application, sales type, and region. The report provides information about various types of one-way valve and revenue generated by sales of one-way valves which are sold through new sales and aftermarket sales