350 篇
93 篇
10346 篇
455 篇
137 篇
64 篇
278 篇
25 篇
1449 篇
534 篇
61 篇
94 篇
350 篇
40 篇
32 篇
68 篇
20 篇
239 篇
82 篇
11 篇
[仪器仪表制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,] [2023-06-13]
This data equals output data for the following ISIC Rev. 4 code: 2651 Manufacture of Measuring, Testing, Navigating and Control Equipment This class includes: Manufacture of aircraft engine instruments Manufacture of automotive emissions testing equipment Manufacture of meteorological instruments Manufacture of physical properties testing and inspection equipment Manufacture of polygraph machines Manufacture of instruments for measuring and testing electricity and electrical signals (including for telecommunications) Manufacture of radiation detection and monitoring instruments Manufacture of electron and proton microscopes Manufacture of surveying instruments Manufacture of thermometers liquid-in-glass and bimetal types (except medical) Manufacture of humidistats
[金属制品业,有色金属冶炼和压延加工业,] [2023-06-13]
This data equals output data for the following ISIC Rev. 4 code: 2592 Treatment and Coating of Metals; Machining This class includes: Plating, anodizing etc. of metals Heat treatment of metals Deburring, sandblasting, tumbling, cleaning of metals Colouring and engraving of metals Non-metallic coating of metals: Plasticizing, enamelling, lacquering etc. Hardening, buffing of metals Boring, turning, milling, eroding, planing, lapping, broaching, levelling, sawing, grinding, sharpening, polishing, welding, splicing etc. of metalwork pieces Cutting of and writing on metals by means of laser beams
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,] [2023-06-13]
A ground interference canceller uses a sample of the interfering signal to generate a real time anti interference signal that is the exact opposite of the interfering signal as it appears at the receiving antenna. The interference canceller combines the interferen ce and anti interference signals, cancelling each other out. The result is that the interference is subtracted from the receive path, lea vin g only the interference free desired signal.
[化学原料和化学制品制造业,汽车制造业,] [2023-06-13]
Manufacture of mats and matting of plaiting materials, see ISIC Code - 1629 Manufacture of floor coverings of cork, see ISIC Code - 1629 Manufacture of resilient floor coverings, such as vinyl, linoleum, see ISIC Code - 2220 The data is given at producers' prices.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,] [2023-06-13]
This data equals output data for the following ISIC Rev. 4 code: 1393 Manufacture of Carpets and Rugs This class includes: Manufacture of textile floor coverings: Carpets, rugs and mats, tiles Manufacture of needle-loom felt floor coverings This class excludes:
[家具制造业,纺织业,纺织服装、服饰业,] [2023-06-13]
This data equals output data for the following ISIC Rev. 4 code: 1393 Manufacture of Carpets and Rugs This class includes: Manufacture of textile floor coverings: Carpets, rugs and mats, tiles Manufacture of needle-loom felt floor coverings This class excludes: Manufacture of mats and matting of plaiting materials, see ISIC Code - 1629 Manufacture of floor coverings of cork, see ISIC Code - 1629 Manufacture of resilient floor coverings, such as vinyl, linoleum, see ISIC Code - 2220 The data is given at producers' prices.
[计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业,] [2023-06-13]
Both Top down Bottom up approaches have been used to arrive at market numbers, which are cross validated through company executives other sales representatives Allied Industry Consumer Behavior market trends are into consideration for estimation forecasting of the market Inflation has not been taken into consideration for the forecast of the market value Charts in the figure represent the calendar year
[铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业,] [2023-06-13]
For Global Biopesticides Market assessment we have performed Data synthesis on two models (Bivariate & Multivariate Model and Cluster Model) on Independent Variables such as Economic Factors (Economic Growth, Balance of Trade, GDP, Inflation, Unemployment, Population vs import/Export, retail, COVID -19 impact, Arable land, and more); Industry Factors (Scenario of Organic farming, organic food demand, impact of pesticides, demand of biopesticides, and others.)
[农、林、牧、渔业,化学原料和化学制品制造业,] [2023-06-13]
For Global Biopesticides Market assessment we have performed Data synthesis on two models (Bivariate & Multivariate Model and Cluster Model) on Independent Variables such as Economic Factors (Economic Growth, Balance of Trade, GDP, Inflation, Unemployment, Population vs import/Export, retail, COVID -19 impact, Arable land, and more); Industry Factors (Scenario of Organic farming, organic food demand, impact of pesticides, demand of biopesticides, and others.)
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,汽车制造业,] [2023-06-01]
This data equals output data for the following ISIC Rev. 4 code: 1200 Manufacture of Tobacco Products This class includes: Manufacture of tobacco products and products of tobacco substitutes: cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff Manufacture of "homogenized" or "reconstituted" tobacco Stemming and redrying of tobacco