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  • 101.中国造纸制造行业报告(2019-2023年)

    [印刷和记录媒介复制业,造纸和纸制品业] [2020-05-31]

    Domestic players have leading positions in the paper manufacturing sector. Most of the companies are controlled by private capital and some are traded on a regulated market. In order to increase their market competitiveness, these companies have to optimise their input costs. This includes to generate their own electricity and import low-cost raw materials. The Chinese paper manufacturing sector has high entry barriers, because the major players on the market rely on economies of scale, which makes the companies’ capital outlays and fixed costs high. The Chinese government policy also contributes to high entry barriers, with the rising level of regulation related to climate change and energy efficiency, affecting the paper and paperboard production.

  • 102.全球智能标签市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2020-05-30]

    Smart labels are becoming one of the most popular technologies across the retail, healthcare, and logistics sectors, among others, and are viewed as an ideal means to achieve greater efficiencies and profitability, while providing the authenticity of an item and its traceability from the warehouse to the distribution center throughout the supply chain. These labels are used as a tool to enable smart supply chains and are also playing a vital role in the marketing and advertising of consumer products, which can be achieved through the provision of product information, as well as the analysis of consumer buying patterns that can be accessed from the data collected by these labels. Cost cutting over the supply chain, to be closer to the nearest level of efficiency, by manufacturers, has been a critical factor that has augmented the demand and prompted the proactive adoption of these solutions to gain the first mover advantage in the individual end-user industry.

  • 103.轻工制造行业:地产系资本入局,To_B龙头优势有望扩大

    [文教、工美、体育和娱乐用品制造业,家具制造业,印刷和记录媒介复制业,造纸和纸制品业] [2020-05-23]

    实力雄厚的地产头部企业近年来着力布局产业链上游。地产公司通过 入股、建立家居建材集采平台、共建产业园等多种方式与上游To B 龙 头公司开展深度合作。

  • 104.轻工制造行业:精装红利持续释放,必选消费业绩稳健-年报和一季报总结

    [造纸和纸制品业,印刷和记录媒介复制业,家具制造业,文教、工美、体育和娱乐用品制造业] [2020-05-23]

    轻工行业综述:2019 年轻工行业实现营收 4956.92 亿元,同比增长 2.40%;实现归母净利润220.71 亿元,同比增长8.29%,营收增速于 2019Q2 达到低点后上升;归母净利润增速则逐季有所上升。2020Q1 受疫情影响明显,营收下滑15.78%,归母净利润下滑35.48%。

  • 105.轻工制造行业:疫情影响Q1业绩,Q2或迎来业绩好转

    [印刷和记录媒介复制业,造纸和纸制品业,家具制造业] [2020-05-17]

    2019 年以来轻工制造行业面临的外部环境不确定性较大,不论是中美贸易争端还是新冠疫情带来的外部环境的不确定性,均短期内表现为下游需求较大变化,行业内上市公司业绩短期表现为下滑。但是随着贸易环境的改善,2019 年下半年轻工制造行业整体业绩逐季好转,行业整体仍保持韧性。

  • 106.轻工制造行业:精装红利凸显,必选增长稳健-2019年年报及2020年一季度业绩综述

    [印刷和记录媒介复制业,家具制造业,造纸和纸制品业] [2020-05-17]

    轻工板块2019 年营收同比增长4%至5019 亿元,归母净利润同比下滑4%至284 亿元,利润下滑一方面系造纸行业景气下行、企业利润普遍大幅下滑所致,另一方面系东方金钰等企业计提商誉减值损失影响。2020Q1 轻工板块实现营收953 亿元,同比下滑16%,实现归母净利润45 亿元,同比下滑27%。重点推荐:1)地产竣工回暖+精装房放量下工装主线标的以及经营稳健、抗风险能力强的龙头企业,重点推荐帝欧家居、江山欧派、欧派家居、顾家家居;2)需求稳健的必选消费品,重点推荐中顺洁柔、齐心集团、晨光文具。

  • 107.轻工制造行业:后疫情时代,聚焦地产后周期修复,重点关注家具边际改善-2019年年报与2020 年一季报业绩总结

    [家具制造业,造纸和纸制品业,印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2020-05-17]


  • 108.轻工制造行业:必选业绩持续靓丽,家居左侧布局改善!-19A&20Q1综述

    [印刷和记录媒介复制业,家具制造业,造纸和纸制品业] [2020-05-17]


  • 109.全球瓦楞纸托盘市场报告(2019-2026年)

    [印刷和记录媒介复制业] [2020-03-17]

    Corrugated pallets (paper pallets) are pallets made of corrugated material, paper board sheets, and other paper materials except wood. They are manufactured through various methods, including corrugated top decks & bottom decks, internal support cells, honeycomb support blocks, corrugated runners, support blocks (manufactured by compressed corrugated material), and built up runners. For the purpose of analysis, the global corrugated pallets market is segmented into product, end user, and region. The study estimates the revenue generated from the sales of various types of corrugated pallets such as <3 walls corrugated pallets, 3–5 Walls corrugated pallets, 5+ walls corrugated pallets. In addition, the report provides information on end users such as food & beverages, chemical & pharma, agriculture, metal & machinery, wholesalers, and others (construction companies and import & exports oriented companies). Furthermore, the report covers the revenue generated from the sales of products related to corrugated pallets offered in regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. However, the scope of report does not include the revenue generated from corrugated boxes, cardboard boxes, and any other type of corrugated packaging products, excluding pallets. Moreover, the report excludes market for pallets manufactured from wood and wood composite materials.

  • 110.我国图书零售市场规模首次突破一千亿元大关

    [印刷和记录媒介复制业,教育] [2020-01-09]

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