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  • 41.全球无火花工具市场报告(2023-2028年)

    [电气机械和器材制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2024-03-30]

    Hand tools have been used by humankind for a long time to assist in multiple jobs, such as plumbing, cutting, digging, and repair, among many others. They reduce the amount of time taken to complete a job. They also reduce the efforts that are required to be put in to complete various tasks. There are multiple non-sparking tools, such as wrenches, hammers, spades, shovels, screwdrivers, and pliers. These tools are made of various raw materials such as iron, stainless steel, brass, cast iron, and many others. However, using these tools means that due to friction, there are chances of spark generation, which is hazardous across multiple work environments. Hence, such tools cannot be used across many sensitive industries.

  • 42.全球肿瘤分子诊断市场报告(2023-2028年)

    [医药制造业] [2024-03-29]

    Molecular diagnostics represents a groundbreaking approach to medical testing and disease diagnosis that has revolutionized healthcare over the past few decades. It has transformed our ability to detect, monitor, and manage various diseases, including infectious diseases, genetic disorders, and cancer.

  • 43.全球营养保健品市场报告(2023-2028年)

    [医药制造业] [2024-03-29]

    Nutraceuticals are considered the future of intelligent foods that have medicinal benefits. Functional foods, nutritional supplements, clinically formulated foods, and sports & energy drinks dramatically accelerate the market growth.

  • 44.全球奢侈时尚市场报告( 2023-2028年)

    [金融业] [2024-03-29]

    The global luxury fashion market is gaining momentum with the rise in the number of high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs), the popularity of millennials and Gen Z, increasing brand loyalty among customers, and the association of luxury brands with greater social acceptance. The rapidly changing technological landscape and the growing adoption of technologies such as AR by the fashion industry, supported by the growing penetration of digital channels across developing markets, provide significant growth opportunities for vendors.

    关键词:随着数量;全球奢侈时尚市场;蓬勃发展;高净值人士 (HNWI) ;受欢迎程度
  • 45.全球液体活检市场报告(2023-2028年)

    [医药制造业] [2024-03-29]

    A biopsy is a medical procedure involving the removal of a small piece of tissue from a living organism for medical analysis. It is most commonly used to diagnose diseases, especially those of internal organs such as the liver, kidney, lungs, and heart. In some cases, it may be used to determine the cause of a medical condition or to monitor the effects of a particular treatment. The biopsy is performed under the supervision of a medical professional such as a physician or surgeon. The tissue sample is removed with a thin needle or scalpel during the procedure and then examined under a microscope. The tissue sample may be examined in a laboratory to identify any abnormalities or infections present in the tissue depending on the type of biopsy being performed.

  • 46.全球实验室玻璃器皿清洗机市场报告(2023-2028年)

    [电气机械和器材制造业,科学研究和技术服务业] [2024-03-29]

    Laboratory glassware stands as a cornerstone of scientific research, experimentation, and analysis. Its crucial role in maintaining precision, accuracy, and reliability within diverse industries highlights its significance in advancing knowledge and technological progress. The laboratory glassware market, driven by an amalgamation of scientific advances, evolving research needs, and technological innovation, is a vital enabler of breakthroughs and discoveries across various sectors.

  • 47.全球家用电梯市场报告(2023-2028年)

    [电气机械和器材制造业] [2024-03-29]

    The global home elevator market has evolved along with the changing dynamics of the global economy and construction industry. In terms of revenue, the global home elevator market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.62% during the forecast period. Rapid improvements in elevators' safety, quality, and efficiency have allowed rapid expansion of cities. Home elevators have become a routine part of modern existence, moving people into homes.

  • 48.全球家庭护理成分市场报告(2023-2028 年)

    [化学原料和化学制品制造业,医药制造业] [2024-03-29]

     Consumer awareness is also growing every year, which is why manufacturers are focusing on elevating the quality of cleaning products with the best possible environmental conditions. Today's consumer is not just concerned about maintaining hygiene or cleanliness at a personal level but is also keen on reducing the chances of infections in his/her surroundings. So, to fulfill the hygiene needs at home as well as at commercial places, different ingredients are used in cleaning products

  • 49.全球家庭护理成分市场报告(2023-2028 年)

    [医药制造业,化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-03-29]

     Consumer awareness is also growing every year, which is why manufacturers are focusing on elevating the quality of cleaning products with the best possible environmental conditions. Today's consumer is not just concerned about maintaining hygiene or cleanliness at a personal level but is also keen on reducing the chances of infections in his/her surroundings. So, to fulfill the hygiene needs at home as well as at commercial places, different ingredients are used in cleaning products

  • 50.全球兽医内窥镜设备市场报告(2024-2028年)

    [医药制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2024-03-29]

    Veterinary endoscopy is a procedure where the inside of the animals body is examined using an instrument called an endoscope. A veterinary endoscopy device is a long, thin, flexible tube that has a light source and camera at one end. Images of the inside parts of the animal body are relayed to a television screen.

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