5334 篇
13894 篇
477213 篇
16202 篇
11750 篇
3886 篇
6499 篇
1242 篇
75434 篇
37398 篇
12108 篇
1638 篇
2835 篇
3400 篇
641 篇
1236 篇
1968 篇
4896 篇
3849 篇
5369 篇
Global Medical Publishing Market 2024-2028
Medical publishing is the process of distributing the information and data of medical research in an effective and transparent way. Healthcare providers make use of that information to provide enhanced treatment and care to patients. Medical publishing enhances medical knowledge by filling the gap between research and practice. Publishing the results of medical studies in a medium provides easy access to practitioners. Research scholars and practitioners use these publications to stay connected with both the research community and the industry to maintain a productive and informed cycle of research and development (R and D).