5335 篇
13894 篇
477215 篇
16202 篇
11750 篇
3888 篇
6499 篇
1243 篇
75443 篇
37399 篇
12108 篇
1638 篇
2835 篇
3400 篇
641 篇
1236 篇
1968 篇
4897 篇
3849 篇
5371 篇
Global Wet Tissue and Wipe Market 2024-2028
Wet tissues and wipes are pieces of cloth, paper, or towelette used for cleaning and maintaining hygiene for personal, household, industrial, commercial, and institutional purposes. They are primarily made from pulp or recycled paper and then moistened with different ingredients such as Aloe Vera, lemon, water, or gel.