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Global Radiography Market 2017-2021

加工时间:2017-08-20 信息来源:EMIS 索取原文[76 页]
摘 要:

Radiography is a technique that uses gamma rays and X-rays to produce images of objects. These images can be used to identify certain deformities or defects that are not visible to the bare eye. The object to be tested is subjected to radiations using a generator, while a film or digital detector is used to take the image of the object. The darker areas on the image indicate high levels of radiation, whereas lighter areas indicate low levels. This is the basic principle for the functioning of radiography equipment. However, newer technologies such as CT, CR, and digital radiography can produce high-quality images in 3D, allowing for better analysis.

目 录:

PART 01: Executive summary

PART 02: Scope of the report

Market overview

Base year and forecast period

Currency conversion rates


Market size calculation

Technology segmentation

Geographical segmentation

Top vendor offerings

PART 03: Market research methodology

Research methodology

Economic indicators

PART 04: Introduction

Key market highlights

PART 05: Market landscape

Market overview

Market size and forecast

Five forces analysis

PART 06: Market segmentation by end-user

Global radiography market by healthcare sector

Global radiography market by industrial sector

PART 07: Geographical segmentation

Global radiography market by geography

Radiography market in Americas

Radiography market in APAC

Radiography market in EMEA

PART 08: Market drivers

Upgrade of analog X-ray systems to digital X-ray


Increased demand from power generation and oil and

gas sectors

Need to reduce radiation exposure

Growing need for early diagnosis and preventive


PART 09: Impact of drivers

PART 10: Market challenges

Lack of skilled personnel

Growing adoption of refurbished systems

High installation costs

Increasing number of product recalls

PART 11: Impact of drivers and challenges

PART 12: Market trends

Rising demand for portable radiography equipment

Customization of radiography equipment

Increase in number of strategic acquisitions in digital Xray

system market

PART 13: Vendor landscape

Healthcare radiography market

Industrial radiography market

PART 14: Appendix

List of abbreviations

PART 15: Explore Technavio

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