光注入锁定的垂直腔表面- 发射激光:数字和模拟应用程序
Optical Injection Locking of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers: Digital and Analog Applications
摘 要:With the rise of mobile (cellphones, tablets, notebooks, etc.) and broadband wirelinecommunications (Fiber to the Home), there are increasing demands being placed on transmittersfor moving data from device to device and around the world. Digital and analog fiber-opticcommunications have been the key technology to meet this challenge, ushering in ubiquitousInternet and cable TV over the past 20 years. At the physical layer, high-volume low-costmanufacturing of semiconductor optoelectronic devices has played an integral role in allowingfor deployment of high-speed communication links. In particular, vertical cavity surface emittinglasers (VCSEL) have revolutionized short reach communications and are poised to enter moremarkets due to their low cost, small size, and performance. However, VCSELs havedisadvantages such as limited modulation performance and large frequency chirp which limitsfiber transmission speed and distance, key parameters for many fiber-optic communicationsystems. Optical injection locking is one method to overcome these limitations without reengineeringthe VCSEL at the device level.