摘 要:Pedemis (PortablE Decoupled Electromagnetic Induction Sensor) is a time-domain handheld electromagnetic induction (EMI) instrument with the intended purpose of improving the detection and classification of UneXploded Ordnance (UXO). Pedemis sports nine coplanar transmitters (the Tx assembly) and nine triaxial receivers held in a fixed geometry with respect to each other (the Rx assembly) but with that Rx assembly physically decoupled from the Tx assembly allowing flexible data acquisition modes and deployment options. The data acquisition (DAQ) electronics consists of the National Instruments (NI) cRIO platform which is much lighter and more energy efficient that prior DAQ platforms. Pedemis has successfully acquired initial data, and inversion of the data acquired during these initial tests has yielded satisfactory polarizabilities of a spherical target. In addition, precise positioning of the Rx assembly has been achieved via position inversion algorithms based solely on the data acquired from the receivers during the on-time of the primary field. Pedemis has been designed to be a flexible yet user friendly EMI instrument that can survey, detect and classify targets in a one pass solution. In this paper, the Pedemis instrument is introduced along with its operation protocols, initial data results, and current status.