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Global Prostate Biopsy Market 2017-2021

加工时间:2017-08-20 信息来源:EMIS 索取原文[97 页]
摘 要:

Biopsy is a clinical procedure primarily used in the detection and extraction of malignant or cancerous cells and their abnormal growth in the body for further analysis and interpretation of diseases. The purpose of removing tissues or cells during the procedure is mainly to limit the spread of tumor, minimize morbidity, and eliminate interference with future treatments.

目 录:

PART 01: Executive summary

PART 02: Scope of the report

PART 03: Research Methodology

PART 04: Introduction

Key market highlights

Prostate cancer: An overview

PART 05: Market landscape

Market overview

Market size and forecast

Five forces analysis

PART 06: Market segmentation by product

Market overview

Global prostate needle biopsy market

Global prostate liquid biopsy market

PART 07: Market segmentation by end-user



Diagnostic centers

Key buying criteria

PART 08: Geographical segmentation

Prostate biopsy market in Americas

Prostate biopsy market in EMEA

Prostate biopsy market in APAC

PART 09: Market drivers

Growing incidences of prostate cancer

Recurrent revenue from repeat biopsy tests

Growing number of diagnostic centers

PART 10: Impact of drivers

PART 11: Market challenges

Complications associated with prostate needle


High cost of biopsy procedure

Inaccurate test results

Limited technical skills

PART 12: Impact of drivers and challenges

PART 13: Market trends

New product launches and R&D activities

Growing demand for MRI and Ultrasound guided

prostate biopsy procedures

High growth potential of prostate liquid biopsy tests

Growing focus toward combination of traditional and

liquid biopsy tests

PART 14: Vendor landscape

Competitive scenario

PART 15: Key vendor analysis

C.R. Bard

Cook Medical

Endomed Systems

SOMATEX Medical Technologies


Other prominent vendors

PART 16: Appendix

List of abbreviations

PART 17: Explore Technavio

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