5334 篇
13894 篇
477213 篇
16202 篇
11750 篇
3886 篇
6499 篇
1242 篇
75434 篇
37398 篇
12108 篇
1638 篇
2835 篇
3400 篇
641 篇
1236 篇
1968 篇
4896 篇
3849 篇
5369 篇
Global Tobacco Packaging Market Size and Share Analysis - Growth Trends and Forecasts (2024 - 2029)
The World Health Organization's (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) advises countries to consider plain packaging. This approach mandates health warnings on tobacco packages, bans branding elements like colors and logos, standardizes font size and color (often an unappealing brown), and formats the packaging uniformly. These regulations aim to diminish product promotion, enhance warning visibility, reduce deceptive packaging, and decrease tobacco consumption