摘 要:Significant federal involvement in solar building technology began with a series of acts of Congress passed in 1974; the Solar Heating and Cooling Demonstration Act; the Energy Reorganization Act; the Solar Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Act; and the Federal Non-Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act. These acts established programs for solar-related research and development in various fields. In 1977, the Department of Energy Reorganization Act established DOE and placed all solar energy programs under its authority. Over the years, the DOE Solar Buildings Technology Program has developed in response to the needs of the building industry and to opportunities opened up by new technology. From 1974 to 1980, a wide range of federal solar activities existed, including scientific research on many different fronts, demonstration projects, market research, design assistance, community programs, professional education, and public information. Since 1980, a smaller federal solar research and development program has emphasized new technology. The Solar Buildings Technology Program currently includes research and development programs in both active and passive solar; this overview focuses on activities in the latter.
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