Extremely Bendable, High-Performance Integrated Circuits Using Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Networks for Digital, Analog, and Radio- Frequency Applications
作者:Wang, C;Chien, J;Takei, K;Takahashi, T;Nah, J.
作者单位:California Univ., Berkeley. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
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摘 要:Solution-processed thin-films of semiconducting carbon nanotubes as the channel material for flexible electronics simultaneously offers high performance, low cost and ambient stability, which significantly outruns the organic semiconductor materials. In this work, we report the use of semiconductor-enriched carbon nanotubes for high-performance integrated circuits on mechanically flexible substrates for digital, analog and radio frequency applications. The as-obtained thin-film transistors (TFTs) exhibit highly
uniform device performance with on-current and transconductance up to 15 microA/micron and 4 mircoS/micron. By performing capacitance-voltage measurements, the gate capacitance of the nanotube TFT is precisely extracted and the corresponding peak effective device mobility is evaluated to be around 50 sq cm/V/s.