关键词:机器人;路径规划;移动机器人;A~ *算法;能源消耗
摘 要:Robot path planning is about finding a collision free motion from one position to another. Efficient algorithms for solving problems of this type have important applications in areas such as: industrial robotics, computer animation, drug design, and automated surveillance. In this paper, a modified A~* algorithm is used for optimizing the path. Different from the approaches that only choose the shortest routes, this method estimates the energy consumption and chooses the most energy efficient routes. As mobile robots are powered by batteries, their energy is limited. Therefore, how to minimize energy consumption is an important problem. The basic idea is to minimize unnecessary stops and turns for mobile robots that cause acceleration and deceleration and consumes significant energy. Simulation results are presented on various environments with different levels of complexity depending on the density of the obstacles. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is evaluated in terms of number of movement steps, path length, energy consumption, number of turns and time. The experimental results show that our approach can provide effective path by reducing the number of turns compared to A~*, thus saving energy. All paths generated were optimal in terms of length and smoothness.