摘 要:The Integrated Medical Model (IMM) is a decision support tool that is useful to spaceflight mission planners and medical system designers when assessing risks and optimizing medical systems. The IMM project maintains a database of medical conditions that could occur during a spaceflight. The IMM project is in the process of assigning an incidence rate, the associated functional impairment, and a best and a worst case end state for each condition. The purpose of this work was to develop the IMM Abdominal Injury Module (AIM). The AIM calculates an incidence rate of traumatic abdominal injury per person-year of spaceflight on the International Space Station (ISS). The IMM project needs the incidence rate in the form of a probability density function, with the most likely incidence rate and the associated uncertainty determined. While the incidence rate for this medical event is low, the possible outcome (crew evacuation or loss of crew) is quite significant.