基于健康咨询:健康筛查水平评价:Azinphos-Methyl Pendimethalin,EPTC。华盛顿(WA)农业部农药脆弱性项目
Health Consultation: Health Based Screening Level Evaluation: Azinphos-Methyl, Pendimethalin, and EPTC. Washington (WA) Department of Agriculture Pesticide Vulnerability Project
摘 要:The Washington Department of Agriculture (AG) requested that the Washington Department of Health (DOH) evaluate whether the United States Geological Survey (USGS) health-based water screening levels (HBSLs) for the pesticides azinphos methyl, pendimethalin, and s-ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate (EPTC) are appropriate benchmarks for identifying whether these three pesticides, if found in Washington groundwater or surface water, might pose a possible health risk. DOH agreed to do this evaluation by comparing the USGS HBSLs to standard health benchmarks for water, if they exist. DOH's work was done in support of the Clean Water Fund contract between AG and the Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology).