摘 要:Wireless Reconfigurable Networks (WRN) adapt rapidly and flexibly to network variations, providing advantages to establish efficient communication for emergency operations, disaster relief efforts, and military networks. Security is a necessity where data integrity and confidentiality are exposed to attacks. Security schemes are based on cryptography, providing an expensive and partial defense, since high processing needs are inconvenient for WRN. Hence, the design of a distributed, low cost detection and defense mechanism is important. In this chapter, we present the fundamentals of network coding in WRN, its advantages and how particular problems in wireless networks limit those. We provide an algebraic representation of a distributed, low cost Detection and Defense Mechanism (DDM) that responds to the WRN demands. We evaluate quality of routes involved in the security mechanism, as well as make a selection of the best route for the DDM. The DDM uses network coding to distribute information, and to detect and defend from sink holes and selective forwarding attacks. For performance, we include the number of successful packets, overhead and accuracy in terms of detected attacks and false detections.