摘 要:As technology scales, the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors projects that the number of cores will drastically increase to satisfy the performance requirements of future applications. Performance improvements brought by multi-core architectures have already been used in network security processors either using homogeneous chip multiprocessors (CMP) or through custom system-on-a-chip (SoC) designs. However, homogeneous CMPs provide only one type of core to match various application requirements, thereby not fully utilizing the available chip area and power budget. On the other hand, the heterogeneous CMP is a better option for a network security processor with programming needs ranging from encryption/decryption to content processing, as it allows the processor to better match the execution resources of application needs. This chapter explores the possibility of using heterogeneous CMPs for network and system security. More specifically, we propose an integer linear programming (ILP)-based methodology to mathematically analyze and provide heterogeneous CMP architectures and task distributions that can reduce the energy consumption of the system. Our results indicate that the proposed approach generates better results when compared to a homogeneous counterpart.