5334 篇
13894 篇
477187 篇
16195 篇
11750 篇
3884 篇
6498 篇
1241 篇
75423 篇
37375 篇
12108 篇
1638 篇
2835 篇
3399 篇
641 篇
1233 篇
1968 篇
4892 篇
3848 篇
5362 篇
新加坡石油和天然气报告 - 2018年第二季度
Singapore Oil & Gas Report - Q2 2018
The Singapore Energy Policy Group (EPG), which is part of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), has developed a national energy policy framework, which strives to maintain a balance between continued economic growth, while safeguarding Singapore's energy security and natural environment. The framework outlines six key strategies for this purpose: • Promotion of competitive markets • Energy supply diversification • Improving energy efficiency • Increased investment and research and development (solar, biofuels and fuel cells) • Increased international cooperation • Develop 'whole-of-government' approach
BMI Industry View
Oil & Gas SWOT
Industry Forecast
Upstream Production - Oil
Refined Fuels Consumption
Gas Consumption
Trade - Oil
Trade - Gas (Pipeline And LNG)
Industry Risk/Reward Index
Upstream Oil & Gas: Modest Reserves, High State Ownership Undermine Region's Scores
Downstream Oil & Gas: Higher-Risk EMs Underperform
Market Overview
Singapore - Energy Market Overview
Oil And Gas Infrastructure
Competitive Landscape
Regional Overview
Asia - Risk/Reward Index
Oil & Gas Glossary